Dear Parents and Carers,
We hope you are enjoying your weekend and making the most of the lovely weather and the very exciting football matches..
Thank you to all the parents who came to our farm visits and our Sports days. It was lovely to see so many of you there.
This week we will be busy practising for our graduation,We will also be practising basic skills of name writing and counting.
Our children busy at Nursery
Thank you to all the parents who came to our farm visits and our Sports days. It was lovely to see so many of you there.
This week we will be busy practising for our graduation,We will also be practising basic skills of name writing and counting.
Our children busy at Nursery
We were delighted to see our lovely Alice Tonelli graduate from Mead Nursery yesterday.
Alice has been one of our thirty hour children .We are delighted that she will be joining Mead Reception in September.
As we move towards the end of term this week`s newsletter is about reminders.
Tuesday 17th July -Nursery graduation-10.00-11.00 2.00-3.00
Doors open 9.50 and 1.50
We would love to see you at our Nursery graduation. A celebration of your child`s year and a chance for us to wish the children good luck as they move into Reception.
Only just over a week to go now.
Only just over a week to go now.

Thursday 19th July -End of term parties

Friday 20th July -Nursery closes for Summer-Normal sessions

If you would like to contact a member of the EYFS team via email the address is
The Nursery Team