Amazing Awards!
Attendance Awards
A huge well done to the following classes who have all achieved 95% and above. Fiji, Madagascar, Wales, England, Germany, Spain, USA and Canada. They will all be enjoying their Attendanceoply treats next week!
Bingo Homework
Congratulations to Aaliyah,Zara, Leon , Atanas and Zoya (Morocco)
Malta Star of the Week
Congratulations to Noah for trying some different foods this week!
Star Writer Certificates
These children have excelled with their writing this week. Well done to David (Wales), Ivan (England), Beau (Egypt), Kaiyan (Fiji), Summer (Spain), Hannah (Greece), Emma (Mexico), Aiyana and Luna(Morocco), Artem (Palau),David (Malaysia), Samuel (New Zealand), Olivia (Northern Ireland) Ella (USA), Anastasia (Madagascar), Isha (Scotland), Elijah (Brazil), Jessica (Italy), Rosie (Kenya), Domas (Germany), Ugo (India), Layla (China)
Star Reader Certificates
These children have worked really hard on their reading this week. Well done to Azrah (Wales), Jake (England), Samiyah (Egypt), Holly (Fiji), Rayan S (Spain), Amelia D (Greece), Gabriel (Mexico),Zara (Morocco), Kaden (Malaysia), Ruby (New Zealand), Mark (Palau), Isaiah (Northern Ireland) William (USA), Emily (Madagascar), Katy (Scotland), Avy (Brazil), Nubian (Spain), Zakariya (Italy), Tommy C (Kenya), Camelia (Germany), Renesmee (India), Venbaa (China)
Star Mathematician Certificates
These children have enjoyed a fantastic week with their maths. Well done to Khadijah (Wales), Ellie (England), Leo (Egypt), Reggie (Fiji), Aleem (Spain), Kojo (Greece), Poppy (Mexico), Aaliyah (Morocco), Carter (Palau), Elda (Malaysia), Jamarb (New Zealand), April (Northern Ireland) Gracie- Anne (USA), Andrei G (Madagascar), Blake (Scotland), Jahshountea (Brazil), Jenson (Italy), Teddy (Kenya), Isla (Germany), Jett (India), Eneyla (China)
Achievement Certificates
These children have earned 20 Achievement points and are on their way to the Mead Roll of Honour. Well done to Ruby (Wales), Roens, Amelia (Italy), Sophie, Rayan S, Sai & Bella (Spain), Nathan K, Stephanie and Sebastian (Greece), Ronnie and Aaliyah (Morocco), Chloe (Egypt), Nikolwe (Scotland),Harley (England), Kimberley (England)
Mathletics Award
September TTRS Status Award
Golden Certificate
Congratulations to these children who have been awarded a Golden Certificate as they have made exceptionally good choices linked to The Mead Creed. These certificates are not easy to get so very well done to this week’s winners!