Friday 10 February 2023

Weekly Newsletter - 10/02/23


Dear Parents and Carers,

It is hard to believe that we are already at the end of the first half of the Spring term. It has certainly been a whirlwind of learning and opportunities for the children and there’s lots more excitement planned for the second half of the Spring term. The children return to school on Tuesday 21st February, we look forward to seeing you all then. Have a wonderful half term!

Children’s Mental Health Week 6-12th February.

The children have had a fantastic week of learning all about Mental Health, Lots of classes have been completing the daily Taskmaster Challenges and we started the week by spreading kindness. Well done everyone we have raised £266.23 for the Place2Be Mental Health Charity. Thank you.

Turkey and Syria Earthquake Appeal

I am sure that you will all be aware of the devastating impact the earthquake in Turkey and Syria has had. Our condolences are with those who have been directly impacted and especially those within our school community. Our Pupil Parliament are working to create our own appeal which they will share after half term. There are some useful resources attached to the newsletter to support conversations with your children at home which will help them to understand more about what they may see and hear in the news. You can also support by donating directly to the Distaters Emergency Comittee


There has continued to be an increase in the number of children who are arriving late to school. All children should be in school by 8:50am, arriving after this time means that your child will be marked as late. Arriving late to school means that the children lose learning time and miss opportunities. The doors open to all pupils at 8:30am. Punctuality is also monitored by our Attendance officer.

ABACUS Afterschool Club

We are delighted to share that from Monday 17th April 2023, ABACUS After School Clubs will be providing after school care for our pupils on site at Mead Primary School. ABACUS already runs a successful Breakfast Club on site for our pupils which is extremely popular with the children and their families. The cost of attending ABACUS Afterschool Club is £13 per child. To register your interest in attending and to complete the registration process, please contact ABACUS directly on 07903 708764 (Between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm weekdays) or online ABACUS Staff will also be available to answer any of your questions at our next Parents Evenings on Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd March.

School uniform

Please ensure that your child wears the correct school uniform to school every day. All children should wear: A bottle green sweatshirt or cardigan, collared white t-shirt, and black trousers or tailored skirt. Leggings are not part of the uniform policy and should not be worn to school. Children may wear flat ankle boots (no heels). We have also requested that school fleeces be made available with the uniform provider and we will inform you when they are available. If you need support with uniform costs please speak to the office as you may be eligible for uniform vouchers if you have not already received these this school year.

PE Kits: plain black/grey jogging bottoms or black/green shorts and white t-shirt with appropriate footwear.

Key Information and dates

School Ping

Squid login

Havering Catering Lunch Menu

Half Term

Monday 20th February INSET Day

Tuesday 21st February Children Return to school

Wednesday 1st March School Ping Parent Workshop

Thursday 9th March Maths Parent Partnership Meeting

Wednesday 19th April Reading Parent Partnership Meeting- 9am

Monday 5th June INSET Day

Yours sincerely,

Ms A Holmes
