These are the awards we present to the pupils when they have demonstrated one of our four learning skills: Resilience, reciprocity, reflectiveness & resourcefulness.
Hope in N. Ireland, Elma in Scotland, Maryam in Greece, Valentino and Sophie in U.S.A and Jake in Brazil receive certificates for reciprocity, Ajus in N. Ireland, Kitt in Greece and Sarah in Brazil for reflectiveness. Well done to Freddie, Jessica, Melisa, Tai, Taylor and Zahi in Egypt, Yvie in N. Ireland, Mia in Scotland, Alanas in Greece, Enea in Brazil and Rolvier in Argentina who receive certificates for resilience and Ivan, Shay, Alfie and Jolin in Kenya, Maisie in U.S.A, Salaiman in Mexico and Yusuf in Brazil who have shown they can be very resourceful in school.