Summer 2 Week 4-Week Beginning June 25th
Dear Parents and Carers,
Dear Parents and Carers,
We hope you are enjoying your weekend and making the most of the lovely weather.
As this newsletter is being produced England have just scored a goal in the World Cup so lets hope that match ends with a good result.
As this newsletter is being produced England have just scored a goal in the World Cup so lets hope that match ends with a good result.
We had a busy week last week and the children loved our book `Commotion in the ocean` so we are continuing with that book as our children have lots more to get from it. We will also be practising basic skills of name writing and
As we move towards the end of term this week`s newsletter is about reminders.
Wednesday 27th June at 6pm is our moving into Reception meeting.
This is an opportunity to find out which class your child will be in, about the induction procedures
and key information for your child starting in Reception

Friday June 29th-Staff Training Day
Apologies that the school is closed again.

Friday 6th July-9.30 Nursery Sports Day
Please send children into Nursery in shorts, t-shirts and trainers

Tuesday 17th July -Nursery graduation-10.30-11,30 2.00-3.00
We would love to see you at our Nursery graduation. A celebration of your child`s year and a chance for us to wish the children good luck as they move into Reception.

Wednesday 18th July-Parents are invited to come and visit Mead farm.
More details to follow
Friday 20th July -Nursery closes for Summer-Normal sessions

As we move towards the end of term this week`s newsletter is about reminders.
Wednesday 27th June at 6pm is our moving into Reception meeting.
This is an opportunity to find out which class your child will be in, about the induction procedures
and key information for your child starting in Reception

Friday June 29th-Staff Training Day
Apologies that the school is closed again.

Friday 6th July-9.30 Nursery Sports Day
Please send children into Nursery in shorts, t-shirts and trainers

Tuesday 17th July -Nursery graduation-10.30-11,30 2.00-3.00
We would love to see you at our Nursery graduation. A celebration of your child`s year and a chance for us to wish the children good luck as they move into Reception.

Wednesday 18th July-Parents are invited to come and visit Mead farm.

Friday 20th July -Nursery closes for Summer-Normal sessions

If you would like to contact a member of the EYFS team via email the address is
The Nursery Team