The School Council discover democracy

Today the KS2 school council representatives travelled up to the Houses of Parliament in Westminster. After staring in amazement at the outside of the building they were taken on a tour of the inside, even more impressive! They were able to see the room that the Queen uses to put on her robes before the state opening of parliament. They looked at a copy of the Magna Carta and found out how democracy was introduced into the country by the barons during the reign of 'Bad' King John. After standing above the spot that Guy Fawkes had hidden his gunpowder,the children were shown into the House of Lords with it's plush red upholstered seats and 23.5 carat gold plated throne. On to the House of Commons which was larger and held many more people. The children were shown the doors through which the politicians voted. We went through the 'no' door into the lobby behind. The final room was the oldest part of the building with it's 1000 year old wooden beamed ceiling. The children impressed our guide with their knowledge of British history. Enea wanted to know why Mary, Queen of Scots was nicknamed 'Bloody Mary'. It was because she had over 300 people killed! The school council then realised that they have been acting democratically when they voted for their representatives and which charity the school should be supporting this year. Such an inspiring visit.