Friday, 26 February 2021

Coronavirus (Covid-19) – Re-opening of Schools from the Local Authority

Councillor Robert Benham

Deputy Leader of the Council

Cabinet Member for Education, Children & Families

London Borough of Havering

Main Road, Romford 
RM1 3BD uk

Date: February 2021

Parent / Carer

Coronavirus (Covid-19) – Re-opening of Schools

I hope you and your family are safe and well at this difficult time, and I thank you for your continued support of the national response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Our head teachers and school staff have worked very hard to ensure that as many children as possible could remain in school during the current national restrictions, but it remains vital for all children to be in school to help minimise the longer-term impact of the pandemic on their education, wellbeing and wider development.

Many of you will have heard the Prime Minister setting out the government’s position that from 8 March, all children will return to school. The government has confirmed that school attendance will therefore be mandatory again from that date, and pupils of compulsory school age must be in school unless a statutory reason applies.

This means that the usual rules on school attendance will again apply, including the powers to impose sanctions and fixed penalty notices. A small number of pupils will still be unable to attend in line with public health advice because they are self-isolating and have had symptoms or a positive test result themselves, they are a close contact of someone who has Covid-19, or are following clinical advice.

Your actions through the recent period of national restrictions have meant that the number of cases of Covid-19 have dropped locally, but it has never been more important that you continue to do your bit in reducing the risk of transmitting the virus.

Schools are working very hard to ensure they have measures in place to manage any cases in the best possible way to reduce disruption for the whole school. Please adhere to any new processes that your school has put in place, as these have been introduced to ensure the safety of your child, the staff, and the wider community.

Schools may implement staggered starts, or adjust start and finish times to keep groups apart as they arrive and leave school, so please adhere to any new process that has been agreed for drop off and collection. Please also set an example to your children by following the current national restrictions, following social distance rules, and wearing a face covering (mask not visor) at the school gates, unless you have good reason not to.

In secondary schools, it is now recommended that face coverings should be worn by pupils in classrooms or during activities unless social distancing can be maintained. Pupils in secondary schools will also be offered rapid testing from 8 March to support the return to face-to-face education by helping to identify people who are infectious but do not have any Covid-19 symptoms. Once secondary pupils have been tested three times in schools, each test 3 to 5 days apart, they will be provided with home test kits for regular testing from the end of March.

It is expected that twice-weekly testing at home with a rapid test kit will become routine for secondary pupils as well as for staff in both primary and secondary schools. Schools will contact you directly with regard to the initial testing arrangements, which may be in a phased approach for different year groups.

There will also be noticeable differences in the way different schools implement some of the measures based on their individual circumstances. Schools will be thoroughly reviewing their health and safety risk assessments and drawing up plans to address the risks identified. Essential measures will include:

∙ minimising contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring that those who have Covid-19 symptoms, or who have someone in their household who does, do not attend school

∙ clean hands thoroughly and more often than usual

∙ ensure good respiratory hygiene - the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach ∙ introduce enhanced cleaning, including cleaning frequently touched surfaces often

∙ minimising contact between individuals and maintain social distancing wherever possible to reduce the risk of transmission

∙ where necessary and in specific circumstances, wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)

∙ active engagement with NHS Test and Trace

It is essential that pupils do not come into the school if they have Covid-19 symptoms, or have tested positive in the last 10 days, as per the Stay at Home Guidance. Anyone developing Covid-19 symptoms during the school day will be sent home to self-isolate for at least 10 days, and should arrange to have a test to see if they have Covid-19. Other members of their household (including any siblings) should self-isolate for 10

days from when the symptomatic person first had symptoms.

We are all looking forward to the easing of the current national restrictions, but we must remain careful and follow the government's advice to reduce the risk of further increases in Covid-19 infections locally, as a local outbreak may result in full or partial school closures at short notice. We encourage you to do your bit as the health and safety of children, their families and staff remains everyone’s first priority during this period.

To keep up-to-date with the latest information please visit our website - or you can subscribe to our regular resident bulletin, Living in Havering -

Thank you for your continued co-operation at this time.

Kind regards,

Cllr Robert Benham Mark Ansell

Deputy Leader of the Council Director of Public Health Cabinet Member for Education,

Children & Families

Thursday, 25 February 2021

Reopening on 8th March 2021

Thursday 25th February 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

It is with great delight that I am writing to you to share news of our full school reopening on Monday 8th March. We have had to wait a long time for this moment and will come as a great relief to many of you!

Below is the key information you should be aware of.

● School reopens for every child on Monday 8th March.

● It is a legal requirement that all children return to school (unless unwell, self-isolating from COVID-19 or clinically extremely vulnerable).

● Year group bubbles remain in place throughout the school day until further notice.

● Additional cleaning, hand washing and sanitiser dispensers continue to be in place.

● Staff are provided with Lateral Flow Tests every Wednesday and Sunday.

● School dinners are available from Monday 8th March. KS2 parents, please check your Squid account and add funds where required.

● Breakfast Club reopens from Monday 8th March for working parents who require childcare. Please ensure payments are made in advance via Squid.

● School will remain closed after lunch on Friday (12-50 for KS1 and 1-00 for KS2). Google classroom work will be set for the children to complete at home. Please note that younger children cannot be collected by siblings in KS2.

● Homework Club reopens from Friday 12th March. Working parents who require a place, must complete a Google Survey by Wednesday 3rd March.

● School uniform must be worn. PE kits must be in school.

● Children who have been lent Chromebooks should keep them at home for the time being. They can be used to complete Friday afternoon Google Classroom learning.

● Staggered start/finish times remain in place until further notice:
APR 8-30 start 2-45 finish (12-50 finish on Friday)
YN 8-30 start 2-45 finish (12-50 finish on Friday)
YR 8-40 start 2-55 finish (12-50 finish on Friday)
Y1 8-30 start 2-45 finish (12-50 finish on Friday)
Y2 8-40 start 2-55 finish (12-50 finish on Friday)
Y3 8-30 start 2-45 finish (1-00 finish on Friday)
Y4 8-40 start 2-55 finish (1-00 finish on Friday)
Y5 8-30 start 2-45 finish (1-00 finish on Friday)
Y6 8-40 start 2-55 finish (1-00 finish on Friday)

Although the children will be back at school, we must still exercise caution to ensure the health of our school community. This means whole school events, assemblies together, trips/residentials and mixed year group activities are not permitted at present. We have not been given a timeline as to when these will be possible but I would anticipate this will be within this academic year.

Please continue to encourage and support your child with their Google Classroom learning over the last few days. Every online lesson attended and piece of work submitted is a massive help to your child. When school reopens, we will focus on reconnecting the children with our expectations and values as well as reviewing their learning so we know how we can best support them in the future. We will also focus on mental and physical wellbeing and social connections whilst maintaining high academic expectations.

Finally, I would like to pay tribute to the amazing job that you have done with the challenges and demands of ‘homeschooling’, the exceptional work of our staff in supporting children at school and at home and the fantastic critical worker parents who have continued to keep our country going under such difficult circumstances.

If you have any questions, please contact the school office or email

Take care and stay safe.

Mr Denchfield

Executive Headteacher

Wednesday, 10 February 2021

For the attention of year one and Nursery parents

Wednesday 10th February 2021

Dear Parents and Carers in Nursery and Year 1

This morning, we were informed that there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 within Mead Primary School.

The positive case is within the Nursery and Year 1 bubble; the children and staff in both year groups who have been in direct prolonged contact with the children confirmed to have tested positive for COVID-19 must self-isolate for 10 days. The last day of contact with the children who tested positive was Monday 8th February. This means our Nursery and Year 1 bubble will not return to school until Tuesday 23rd February (the first day after half term).

Please note that siblings who attend a school bubble may still attend school. Daily online learning will continue through Google Classroom.

I understand that the positive COVID-19 test will cause some concern and potential disruption to you and your family. I sincerely apologise for this but we must follow the strict advice from Public Health and the Department for Education.

Please do contact the school if you have any questions or need any support. Take care and stay safe.

Mr Denchfield

Executive Headteacher

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

School update - key dates

Tuesday 9th February 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you are well and have been able to enjoy some time outside in the snow. Today is a lovely day to be outside as the snow is fresh and lovely and not the slushy mess or dangerous ice that can be so horrible.

Below are some important updates and information that you should be aware of. 
School update - key dates

Monday 22nd February Suggested date the government will review the current lockdown.
 Monday 8th March Suggested date when children may return to school 
(this may be a phased return for some year groups).

Free Wi-Fi

I am pleased to say that we have secured a batch of free BT Wi-Fi vouchers that will work until the end of July 2021. If you require free Wi-Fi, please email and we will send you a unique username and password along with simple instructions. I have checked the Wi-Fi hotspot checker and the Harold Hill area has strong coverage.


If you have a school Chromebook, you may keep the device at home until your child returns to school.

Bubble places at Mead Primary School during the lockdown If you have requested a place for your child in school, please urgently and seriously consider whether it is essential for them to attend school. The safest place for your child is at home. Please keep your children at home if at all possible.

Google Classroom

Please do get in touch with your year group if you need any help or support.


Nursery & Reception

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

General enquiries

Key Dates

Friday 12th February Close for half term (lunchtime finish as usual) Tuesday 23rd February Bubbles reopen (8-30 start as usual)

Thursday 1st April Final day of term

Monday 19th April Back to school

Monday 3rd May School closed - May Bank Holiday

Thursday 6th May School Closed - Greater London Authority Elections Thursday 27th May Close for half term

As ever, thank you for all you are doing for your children; it is hugely appreciated by everyone at Mead. Take care and stay safe over the half term week.

Mr Denchfield

Executive Headteacher

Friday, 5 February 2021

Congratulations Miss bloom

A huge well done and congratulations to our lovely Miss Bloom for writing her first children's book.
The website Rising Stars has already used her story 'Hedgehog wants a hug' as one of their daily stories for children to enjoy, nationwide.

Have a look at the article below or watch Miss Bloom read her own story aloud.
Mead are very proud!

Updates and Information


Friday 5th February 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Below are some important updates and information that you should be aware of.

School reopening

Currently, we have no additional information about when our children may fully return to school. We have been told that the government will conduct a review by mid-February and potentially set out a plan to bring the country out of lockdown (which should include schools). Schools have been told they will receive 2 weeks notice before any form of a return. We will of course share any updates with you when we have them.


If you have a school Chromebook, you may keep the device at home until your child returns to school.

Bubble places at Mead Primary School during the lockdown

We have now received over 150 requests for places which is stretching our staffing resources to the limit. Places should only be taken for children of critical workers and those defined as vulnerable to attend where it is absolutely necessary. If you have requested a place for your child in school, please urgently and seriously consider whether it is essential for them to attend school. The safest place for your child is at home. Please keep your children at home if at all possible.

Google Classroom

Please do get in touch with your year group if you need any help or support.

Nursery & Reception 

General enquiries 

Key Dates

Friday 12th February              Close for half term (lunchtime finish as usual)

Tuesday 23rd February           Bubbles reopen (8-30 start as usual)

Thursday 1st April                  Final day of term

Monday 19th April                 Back to school

Monday 3rd May                   School closed - May Bank Holiday

Thursday 6th May                  School Closed - Greater London Authority Elections

Thursday 27th May                Close for half term


As ever, thank you for all you are doing for your children; it is hugely appreciated by everyone at Mead.


Take care and stay safe.

Mr Denchfield

Executive Headteacher

School Meal holiday scheme


Mead Badge - MASTER.png

The Havering February half term School Meal Holiday Scheme provides £15 per child over the holiday to those who are eligible.

The scheme opens to receive applications from 9am on Monday 8 February and will close at 5pm on Friday 12 February for eligible residents.

If you received a payment for the October half term and/or December holiday period you do not need to reapply to receive money for February half term. The money will be paid into your nominated bank account automatically by Friday 12 February.

If you did not apply in October/December or you were not eligible at the time but your circumstances have now changed, please check you meet the eligibility criteria before submitting your application.

The scheme is for children who are of statutory school age and are eligible under the benefit criteria listed below for free school meals during term time.

The scheme is administered by each local authority to its eligible residents regardless of the borough of the school they attend, so if you live in Havering but your child goes to a school outside of Havering.

If you live outside of Havering but your child goes to a Havering school, you need to apply for the scheme with the borough you live in.

All infant age children receive free school meals, but only children in receipt of benefit related free school meals are eligible for this extra support.

Fpr more information about the scheme or to check eligibility please visit

Tuesday, 2 February 2021


MESSAGE FROM COLETTE FRASER, YOUTH ARTS OFFICER. Havering Councils Arts Development Team are holding their February 2021 Half Terms Para Arts Session online (Special Educational Needs and Disability session). The session will be delivered by the wonderful Havering Music School.
This session will offer musical and creative experiences in a relaxed group setting. The session is designed in an inclusive way and no prior musical knowledge is required to take part. Music time sessions include a variety of activities supporting musical expression, body awareness and movement, and shared play. Whilst the session is taking place online, expression through movement, voice and instruments, as well as other available objects for making sounds are encouraged. The session allows everyone to take part at their own pace. Please note that a carer/parent/guardian must be present throughout the session. The session is free, but registration MUST take place in advance by Tuesday 16 February, please contact or call 01708 434135 to register or for further information.