After 3 weeks of watching our caterpillars grow and change it was finally time to say goodbye to our butterflies on Friday. The children had carefully monitored the change as the caterpillars grew and grew until they were ready to make a cocoon. Once inside the cocoon each day the children patiently waited and watched hoping that today would be the day when the butterflies would hatch. Finally on Monday there was great excitement as the first butterfly appeared followed closely by the others. All week we have watched the butterflies making sure their wings were strong enough for them to fly freely. On Friday the Reception children watched with anticipation as the butterflies were released to explore and hopefully lay eggs of their own. Thankfully the butterflies flew off confidently into the bright sunshine.
Sunday, 28 May 2017
Friday, 26 May 2017
E for Excellence Winners
Barbados -Jason Sampson
Wales -Manuela Adamu - Adegbenro
Jamaica -Dianna Monterio Barry
Scotland -Summer Stone
St Lucia -Spencer Purcell
Germany -Rosie Nash
New Zealand -Shomari Francis
Greece -Taylor Thompson
Australia -Macie-Leigh Merritt
Italy -Claudia Lutete-Ndoko
Palau -Felicity Applegarth
U.S.A -Trisha Hughes
Madagascar -Aminata Singhateh
Canada -Sean Rider
Egypt -Emilis Juodelis
Mexico -Stefan Gorgan
Kenya -Rosie Thorne
Chile -Ruby Edwards
N. Ireland -Rebecca Stetco
Brazil -Regan Angus and Anjola Adamu-Adegbenro

Italy -Claudia Lutete-Ndoko
Palau -Felicity Applegarth
U.S.A -Trisha Hughes
Madagascar -Aminata Singhateh
Canada -Sean Rider
Egypt -Emilis Juodelis
Mexico -Stefan Gorgan
Kenya -Rosie Thorne
Chile -Ruby Edwards
N. Ireland -Rebecca Stetco
Brazil -Regan Angus and Anjola Adamu-Adegbenro

Tracker Awards
Silver trackers are awarded to Charlotte Bowers, Tomi Akeredolu, Emilis Juodelis, Wahab Mudashiru, Esther Appiah and Deborah Dimoriaku-Well done!

Learning Power Awards
These are the awards we present to the pupils when they have demonstrated one of our four learning skills: resilience, reciprocity, reflectiveness & resourcefulness.Vincent Pryke receives a certificate for Resilience and Amba Cordell for reciprocity Well done to them!
Certificate of Presentation:
Well done to Rebecca Stetco, Bobby Perfect, Aimee Toolan, Tanisha Forbes and Ryan Mutumbo who have presented their work beautifully; They have shown pride in their work and taken care with their handwriting and number formation.
Fact Hunter
A Fact Hunter award goes to Maisie Foyster

WOW Awards
Carter White in St Lucia -For holiday homework
Sophie Thompson in St Lucia -For moving up a book band
Alex Rebrisorean in St Lucia -For spending lots of child initiated time on writing
Ivan Coleman in Australia-For writing his 6 and 7 times tables at home.
Charly Perfect, Mya Hill-Moise, Oliver Trinder and Millie-Rae Edwards in Palau -For moving up a book band
Harrison Jennings in Madagascar -For moving up a book band
Nafisa Ahmed Osman, Gabriel Antohi, Kelvin Browne,Alexandru Ciobanu, Summer Hope, Wajeeha Hussain,Harrison Jennings, Jannat Kaur, Kristupus Kulskinskas,Vanesa Meskaiskaite, Kaylin Nachwa Muwenda, Amelia Nauthoo and Jasmine Rami in Madagascar -For fantastic Bingo homework
Ricky Donovan, Aniyah Jackson-Anglin,, Mehmet-Lee Nevzat, Safiyya Al-Azami, Emilia Firszt, Reinaldas Kucinas and Zephan Witchalls in Egypt -For moving up a book band
Mia Golding, Anya Shorter, Joshua Hart, Kira Staniforth, Agata Deptuch, Havin Colak, Maya-Victoria Moliki, Tomi Akeredolu, Isabel Paris, Reinaldas Kucinas and Beau Maunders in Egypt
-For fantastic Bingo homework
Sasha Baine, Hope With and Chloe Wooster in Kenya -For moving up a book band
Donald Kwarteng in N. Ireland -For moving up a book band
Alexandra Winjobi, Akacia Mungulu, Tanisha Forbes, Esther Appiah in Scotland-For creating an amazing Acrostic Poem on Winston Churchill in their spare time.

Reading Awards
Grace -Rose Jennings, Ivan Coleman, Felicity Applegarth, Olivia Foreman,Shanel-Rose Bennett, Sarah Hartley and Abigail Bradfield have achieved a bronze reading award for reading 25 books.
Silver Reader awards go to Dami Akeredolu, Alexander Rotaru, Vansh Patel, Aisha Osman, Carter White, Deimantas Rinkevicious, Filip Sychowski, Alex Rebrisorean, Logan Bearman, Kaylin Nachwa Muwenda, Alan Bespalovas, Pritika Maheshwari Karla Nightingill Ryan Eaton, Deborah Dimoriaku and Juwariyah Shafique who have read 75 books. They each receive a silver certificate and a £5 book token for their efforts.
A massive well done to Agata Deptuch who gets a gold readers award-she receives a gold certificate and a trophy for her fantastic effort.

Star Writers:
These children have used a range of powerful vocabulary and techniques to become a Star Writer; Ronnie London, Billy Goss, Tommy Pryke, Jessica Lacatus , Sebas Voicu, Lucas Middleton, Kamauri Salmon , Fizzah Mohammad, Yvie Jackson, Hannah Wright, Fozia Abdulle, Charlize Botterell, Andrei Adochitei, Hana Abdin, Daniele Girdenyte,Tamara Alchaiyer, Lily Beckinsale, Luke Gurler, Jessica Fartade and Valeria Brkic. Look out for examples of their work on the blog!

Learning Challenge Awards
Donald Kwarteng, Ruby Anderson, Maryam Farooq, Lily-May Dedross, Pritika Maheshwari, Maliha Qadri Simeon Okoye Amelia Dang Nam, Briana Grigore, David Basilio, Aleena Seleka, Andrei Adochitei, Lorraine Salalima Grace Allen,Ignas Chmieliauskas and Paris Mmor have been working hard at home and extending their knowledge through their learning challenge work.

Well done to Vilius Paulauskas
Vilius, a year 5 boy at Mead is fast becoming an expert in Jujitsu. He attends a club that practices regularly in Harold Hill community centre. Last weekend he took part in the 11th International Course and Championships in Southend where he won 3rd place-Well done Vilius!
Well done to Brazil and Chile classes who tied with the highest attendance in Y5&6 and at 97.8%. Germany had the highest attendance in LKS2 and overall at 98.4%. Madagascar had the highest attendance in KS1 at 97.6%. The overall attendance last week was 95% just slightly less than the previous week.
Key dates for the rest of the summer term
Tuesday 11th July-9:30-12:00-LKS2 Sports Day
Wednesday 12th July-9:30-12:00- UKS2 Sports Day
Wednesday 12th July-13:30-14:45-YR2 Sports Day
Friday 14th July 9:30-10:30-YR R Sports Day
Friday 14th July-Picnic in the Playground
Monday 17th July 15:30-19:30 Parents Evening
Tuesday 18th July 16:30-18:00-Oscars
Diary Dates
Monday 5th -Friday 9th June-Cycle to school week. There is provision for children to keep their bikes in school -We just ask they bring a lock so they can be kept securely during the day.
Monday 5th June-Wednesday 7th June-Year 5 trip to Mersea Island
Monday 5th June YR6 and remaining YR5s trip to The Barbican-Firebird production-LSO
Tuesday 6th June-YR 6 leavers photograph (Romford Recorder)
Tuesday 6th June Miles The Mole-Theatre production in school
Wednesday 7th June-Poet day Laura Dockrill at Mead
Thursday 8th June-School closed as it is being used as a Polling Station for the for General Election
Friday 9th June-Yr 5 Biking Day
Friday 9th June-There will be no habit club after school
Monday 12th June- Wednesday 14th June-Year 6 trip to Mersea Island
Week beginning Monday 12th June -YR1 phonic screening
Monday 5th June YR6 and remaining YR5s trip to The Barbican-Firebird production-LSO
Tuesday 6th June-YR 6 leavers photograph (Romford Recorder)
Tuesday 6th June Miles The Mole-Theatre production in school
Wednesday 7th June-Poet day Laura Dockrill at Mead
Thursday 8th June-School closed as it is being used as a Polling Station for the for General Election
Friday 9th June-Yr 5 Biking Day
Friday 9th June-There will be no habit club after school
Monday 12th June- Wednesday 14th June-Year 6 trip to Mersea Island
Week beginning Monday 12th June -YR1 phonic screening
Newsletter 26.05.2017
Dear Parents/Carers
Firstly I’d like to wish you all a good half term week-let’s hope this lovely weather continues so we can make the most of it during the break. On the Monday we come back our year 5 pupils will be off on their residential trip to Mersea followed by year 6 the following week. Teachers have planned lots of exciting activities/trips for those not going, so lots to look forward to!
Next half term promises to be very busy with lots of end of term activities planned-I have listed key dates below so parents/carers who need to can make the necessary arrangements in plenty of time.
Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school. PE/games are part of the National Curriculum and as such all pupils are expected to take part so it is important, especially in this hot weather, that they have the correct clothing.
Diary Dates
Monday 5th -Friday 9th June-Cycle to school week. There is provision for children to keep their bikes in school -We just ask they bring a lock so they can be kept securely during the day.
Monday 5th June-Wednesday 7th June-Year 5 trip to Mersea Island
Monday 5th June YR6 and remaining YR5s trip to The Barbican-Firebird production-LSO
Tuesday 6th June-YR 6 leavers photograph (Romford Recorder)
Tuesday 6th June Miles The Mole-Theatre production in school
Wednesday 7th June-Poet day Laura Dockrill at Mead
Thursday 8th June-School closed as it is being used as a Polling Station for the for General Election
Friday 9th June-Yr 5 Biking Day
Friday 9th June-There will be no habit club after school
Monday 12th June- Wednesday 14th June-Year6 trip to Mersea Island
Week beginning Monday 12th June -YR1 phonic screening
Key dates for the rest of the summer term
Monday 10th July-13:30-14:45-YR 1 Sports Day
Tuesday 11th July-9:30-12:00-LKS2 Sports Day
Wednesday 12th July-9:30-12:00- UKS2 Sports Day
Wednesday 12th July-13:30-14:45-YR2 Sports Day
Friday 14th July 9:30-10:30-YR R Sports Day
Friday 14th July-Picnic in the Playground
Monday 17th July 15:30-19:30 Parents Evening
Tuesday 18th July 16:30-18:00-Oscars
Well done to Brazil and Chile classes who tied with the highest attendance in Y5&6 and at 97.8%. Germany had the highest attendance in LKS2 and overall at 98.4%. Madagascar had the highest attendance in KS1 at 97.6%. The overall attendance last week was 95% just slightly less than the previous week.
Have a fabulous week. Look forward to seeing you on Monday 5th June.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs L Smith
Please see separate postings for award winners
Thursday, 25 May 2017
Hot Weather arrangements
In this hot weather please ensure children have sun protection on. They are allowed to bring it into school as long as they have their name on the container and are able to apply it themselves. In the event they are unable to apply themselves speak to the class teacher/TA.
I would recommend children bring caps/hats into school but please rest assured we will allow children to in the school halls so they can be out of the sun if necessary.
Please send water bottles in with your children-they will be allowed to drink water from bottles in class throughout the day.
I understand some children are bringing sun glasses into school as they need to wear them when outside due to hay fever. They do so at their own risk and may not wear them, for obvious reasons, in class.
Pupils can wear sandals to school but no open toe sandals or flip flops please as they present a safety risk.

Wednesday, 24 May 2017
Forest School Today
The shade of the forest was a
welcome place to be in this heat. The children worked hard to create a log pile
from some trees that had been cut back. They worked as a team to use secateurs
and loppers to trim the branches back. The smaller branches and leaves were
used to develop the mini beast hotel. Many mini beasts were found today
including woodlice, centipedes and spiders. Some were re-homed to the newly
refurbished hotel!
Forest School,
outdoor learning,
Nursery Parent Open Day
Father's Day Themed Open Day
On Wednesday 14th June we will be holding another Parent Open day. These are always very successful and the children love to show off all their accomplishments! This term's Open Day will be themed around Father's Day.
Any parent or carer is welcome, but we are encouraging dads, uncles, granddads etc to come along and see what happens in Nursery.
There will be lots of activities available to do with your child.
As the hall will be in use that day and the Nursery door will be open, we have asked that children are not left at Nursery unless their parent is attending the Open day. Therefore if you can't make it in that day, your child will have to stay at home. This is for the safety of all children as they will not be secure inside Nursery.
Normal session times apply.
We thank you for your support at these events.
Nursery Team
Tuesday, 23 May 2017
Reception Reading Morning
A big THANK YOU to all those parents who were able to attend our reading morning and make it a success. The children absolutely loved having their grown-ups come to school with them and it was lovely to see some of them reading to the adults!
Reception Summer term stay and play
Reception stay and play Wednesday 14th June
We are inviting parents to our last stay and play of the academic year. You are welcome to come and spend time in Reception on Wednesday 14th June where the theme will be Father's day and we will have lots of activities for you to do with your child. The open day provides a great opportunity for you to come and share in your child's learning and to also see what they have been learning this term.
We will have an AM and a PM session, please only attend ONE:
AM - 9.30-11am
PM - 1.15-2.30pm.
We hope to welcome you all on 14th June.
Reception Team
Castle in Year 2
We have been learning about castles and the children have been looking at their features as part of our topic work. 'Motte and Bailey' was the name given to the first castles in England.
Jasmine, Nafisa and Vanesa worked together demonstrating great reciprocity and created their own Motte and Bailey model.
Jasmine, Nafisa and Vanesa worked together demonstrating great reciprocity and created their own Motte and Bailey model.
'It was a little tricky creating the drawbridge'
'I enjoyed painting our finished castle the best'
'I found it hard cutting out the Battlements but I didn't give up'
Football Awards
A massive well done to Franki Callaghan from USA class. Franki plays football for Romford Colts under 10's team and has scored an amazing 36 goals this season. He attended their presentation at Hilldene school on Saturday where he received a service award and a trophy for the most improved player to add to the 2 'Man of the Match' medals he has received during the season.
Nursery Newsletter
Term: Summer 1 WB:22.05.17
Dear Parents and Carers,
Only 1 week left of this half term, and the last term is looking busy already! Here are a few dates for your diaries of events coming up….some have been added since last week!
Thursday 8th June- No children in school- Polling day
Wednesday 14th June- Parent open day- Father’s day theme. Parents must attend with their child as the Nursery will not be secure.
Friday 16th June- Nursery sports day (Toddle)- ALL children morning and afternoon to come to morning session. Letters have been handed out with more info. Parents must attend with their children on this day.
Friday 23rd June- No children in school- Teacher training
Thursday 13th July- Nursery Graduation ceremony- Parents to come along and watch Nursery performance, before children leave for ‘big school’. More information to follow.
Monday 17th July- Last day for Nursery children. School trip to Barleylands. More information to follow.
As the weather is warming up, please make sure you have put suncream on your child before they come into Nursery. If you wish to leave a bottle of suncream with your child’s name on in Nursery you can do. Children need to be able to apply this independently and adults will assist if they need to.
This half term we are looking at ‘Traditional Tales’ which include, The 3 Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the 3 Bears and The 3 Billy Goats Gruff. If you have these at home please read them to your child and see if they can remember any repeated phrases, or can tell the story by themselves.
Due to the age of Nursery children, many are more likely to have toilet accidents during their time here. If we change your child into spare clothes that belong to Nursery please return them washed ASAP. Nursery now has no spare clothes to change children into if they are wet. If you have any spare uniform that children have grown out of e.g. trousers, skirts, jumpers, cardis etc Nursery would gladly keep them as spare uniform for other children.
If you get to Nursery early and are waiting outside for us to open, please do not let your children run around the parked cars. Thank you.
Outside play- When the weather is sunny and to develop children’s independence, children will be permitted to choose whether they wear their coat in the garden. Our outside area is very large and children get very hot running around. Please be aware that staff will do their best to make sure that children are comfortable during the day.
Morning Nursery: 8.30am - 11.30am
Afternoon Nursery: 12.30pm - 3.30pm
Please be aware that morning Nursery children need to be collected at 11.30am at the latest. Please make sure you are outside our Nursery door at 11.20 ready to collect your child when we open the door. Children who are not collected by this time will be taken round to the main school office for late collection.
The Newsletter will also be published on the EYFS blog. You can view this from the school website: or by following the school facebook page.
Kind regards,
The Nursery Team
Monday, 22 May 2017
Notice for Reception Parents
Reception Parents
With the weather becoming hotter could we please ask that you ensure your child comes to school prepared for the weather: suncream, a hat and also a water bottle to keep them hydrated throughout the day.
Many thanks
Reception Team
Germany Class successfully navigate London
On Friday, Germany class tried out their map reading and navigation skills around the streets of London. After much planning, the class split into three groups to find churches and cathedrals, bridges and other famous landmarks. After a slight glitch in the plans, a broken down train at Brentwood, it was decided that they should get a bus to Gidea Park. From then on the journeys went to plan. With the adults in the groups taking a step back it was up to the children to find the given destinations, in the allotted time.
All three groups managed to find all four of their places and return to Liverpool Street by 2pm. Well Done Germany Class, you are all excellent explorers!
Tower Bridge |
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The Monument |
Westminster Abbey |
Greece Class Trip to London
Although we ended up getting caught in the rain, our spirits were never dampened. Greece class was able to successfully navigate their way around London's landmarks, bridges and churches & cathedrals.
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Kyla said "Even though we made some mistakes, we learned from them. The churches were pretty cool." |
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Sophie exclaimed "We had fun!" |
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Rylan stated "We accidentally took the long way to Golden Hinde but we took the shortcut on the way back." |
Year Six has a new pet!
Meet Bertie! Y6 have been taking part in a series of fun experiments this term and we just had to let you know about our latest! The classes have grown their very own crocodiles!
As part of the experiment we have measured the level of water, the length of the crocodile appearing out of the egg each day and the amount of time it took for the egg to crack.
Bertie has nearly arrived and we are excited to see how long he stays with us!
As part of the experiment we have measured the level of water, the length of the crocodile appearing out of the egg each day and the amount of time it took for the egg to crack.
Bertie has nearly arrived and we are excited to see how long he stays with us!
Sunday, 21 May 2017
Reception Newsletter Summer 1 Week 6
Term: Summer 1-week 6 Date: 22.05.17
Dear Parents,
As we come towards the end of another half term we will be concluding our topic on growing and changing. This week we will be focusing on how we grow and change with our special focus book on Titch. Thank you for all the baby photos you have sent in if you haven`t already done so could you please send your child`s baby photos in this week. The children do so love to show them. Our beans are starting to grow ,we will be measuring them and talking about how they have changed this week. We will also be looking after our plants in the sensory garden. We will be continuing to monitor the development of our caterpillars which have now cocooned. In maths we will be looking at measuring using language such as taller and shorter.
Well done to Barbados class who were back as the most remarkable readers this week..Please ,please spend some time with your children on their reading.The benefits are enormous and reading really does open up a whole world for the children. Well done to those children who have now gained a book token for reading 50 books and those children that have chosen a book for reading 75 books.
Well done to Barbados class who were back as the most remarkable readers this week..Please ,please spend some time with your children on their reading.The benefits are enormous and reading really does open up a whole world for the children. Well done to those children who have now gained a book token for reading 50 books and those children that have chosen a book for reading 75 books.
Personal, Social and Emotional:
To work as part of a group.
Explains own knowledge and understanding, and asks appropriate questions of others.
Aware of the boundaries set, and of behavioural expectations in the setting.
Communication and Language:
ELG: To answer how and why questions.
Listens and responds to ideas expressed by others in conversation or discussion.
Extends vocabulary, especially by grouping and naming, exploring the meaning and sounds of new words.
Physical Development:
ELG: To move confidently in a range of ways.
Practices some appropriate safety measures without direct supervision.
Uses simple tools to effect changes to materials.
ELG: To read some common irregular words (red words).
Uses phonetic knowledge to write simple cvc words.
Uses vocabulary and forms of speech that are increasingly influenced by their experiences of books.
To add single digit numbers.
To solve problems including doubling.
To count reliably from 1-20..
Expressive Art and Design:
ELG: To use media and materials in original ways.
Experiment with changing songs.
Manipulates materials to achieve a planned effect.
Understanding the World:
Children know about similarities and differences in relation to living things.
Learning Challenge
Each half term we will be setting our pupils a challenge related to their learning. We believe that it is important for us to provide guidance for parents on how their children's learning can be extended at home.
The learning challenge will include either a nursery rhyme, famous person, illustration or a piece of music. Please talk to your child about the challenge and help them to engage in their learning. The children can choose how they present their learning challenge outcomes to their teacher or class.
Person: Mr Bloom
Piece of Art: Eric Carle - illustrator
Piece of music
1. Listen to the music and dance to it.
2. Find out facts about the composer.
3. Produce a collage or picture to illustrate the piece of music.
1. Draw a portrait of the person.
2. Find out facts about the person.
3. Watch the person in action.
Thank you to the children that have already sent in learning challenges this half term. This is the last week of the current learning challenge
Our next Stay and Read Session is tomorrow ,Monday 22nd May between 8.30 and 8.55 it would be so lovely to see you there.
Our children were in last Friday`s edition of the Romford Recorder under the New Starters section looking lovely .
Just as a reminder school will be closed from Friday at 3.0`Clock until Monday 5th June at 8.30.School will also be closed on the 8th of June as the school is being used as a polling station.
Just as a reminder school will be closed from Friday at 3.0`Clock until Monday 5th June at 8.30.School will also be closed on the 8th of June as the school is being used as a polling station.
If you would like to contact a member of the EYFS team via email the address is
Kind regards
The Reception Team
The Reception Team
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