Friday, 29 September 2017

Information for Reception Parents

Important information regarding beginning of the day and end of the day expectations


As you may have seen from previous blogs the school day starts from 8.30am and registration now closes at 8.45am, if your child arrives to school after this time they will be registered as late. It is important your child comes to school on time as they will miss out on learning opportunities and developing their social and communication skills amongst their peers.

As from Monday (2nd October) we are asking parents not to bring buggies into the school corridors as it is causing a health and safety risk. A member of staff will be outside at all times should you require any assistance.

School finishes at 3pm should you arrive after 3.10pm your child would have been taken over to the main reception office for you to collect. To ensure a smooth transition at the end of the day and with your child’s safety being of the upmost importance we are asking parents not to crowd around the Reception doors and calling their child to them. As soon as your child’s teachers have seen you they will safely hand your child over.

We appreciate you cooperation in this matter.

Many thanks
Reception Team

Learning Power Awards

These are the awards we present to the pupils when they have demonstrated one of our four learning skills: Resilience, reciprocity, reflectiveness & resourcefulness.

Samuel Ajayi receives a certificate for reciprocity and Joshua Harvey for reflectiveness. Well done to Logan Bearman, Kai Hope, Charlie Wisniewski, Tomi Akeredolu and Sophie Cross who receive certificates for resilience.

WOW Award

I have made my teacher happy:

Sofia Nauthoo in New Zealand -For excellent effort with their home learning.

Alessia Dragostin in Madagascar -For moving up a book band

Sonny Fiorini, Melisa Guganesh, Lucas Grigore, Matvejs Ursa, Kali Hampson, Emily Garip, Anastasia Munteanu, Shomari Francis and Ava Rowley in Egypt -For moving up a book band

Lexi-Rose Milton, Kiyah Forde, Matty Fitzgibbon,Bella Trevarthen, Alfie Dedross, Ivan Coleman, Shay La-Roque, Lena Da Silva and Alishba Hussain in Kenya -For moving up a book band

Lily Hartley and Evita Leonovaite in Italy -For completing work at home

Kerry Ayoyimka and Hollie Hockley in U.S.A. -For extra work completed at home

Chloe Gain in Canada -For completing extra maths and literacy work at home

Kevin Nzau in Argentina-For producing an excellent booklet about the Tudors at home.

Tracker Awards

Congratulations to the latest pupils who have achieved their Bronze awards: Brea Cassell, Harman Mahal, Hollie Hockley, Chase Kwakye-Safo and Adedeji Okunoren

Silver Tracker certificates are awarded to Vanesa Meskauskaite, Marley Calvey and Amelia Tattam. Well done to them!

Pritika Maheshwari receives a Gold Tracker certificate in recognition of the fantastic effort she has made in learning.

Certificate of Presentation

Well done to Molly Dodd, Joshua Harvey and Aaron Kettley who have presented their work beautifully; They have shown pride in their work and taken care with their handwriting and number formation.

E for Excellence Winners

These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week:

Barbados -Fareeda Okolie
Wales -Ronnie O’Connell
Jamaica -Sofia Hagland 
Scotland -Charlotte Bowers
St Lucia -Linh Le
Germany -Ramone Reid
New Zealand -Hurairah Shafique
Greece -Alanas Bespalovas
Australia -Deimantas Rinkevicious
Italy -Frankie Pryke
Palau -Gurrehmat Kaur
U.S.A -Gracie McNess
Madagascar -Charly Perfect
Canada -Briana Grigore
Egypt -Teddy Gain
Mexico -Uzoma Anyiam
Kenya -Dominik Lyczko
Chile -Hafizah Khaliq
N. Ireland -Hamit Colak
Brazil -Franki Callaghan
Argentina -Pawel Lyczko

Year 4 Star Writers

Image result for star writers

In Year four this week the children have started writing the next episode to their dilemma stories. 

A massive well done to Teddy Button, Esther Appiah and Rebecca Stecto. These children managed to meet their success criteria and use appropriate similes and fronted adverbials to make their writing interesting. 

Year 4 Spellings

Image result for spellings

Here are the Year 4 spellings for this week. The children will have their test on Friday 6th October. Please remember that the children are asked to practise their spellings for 15 minutes every night.


Reading Awards

The following pupil have read 10 books and receive a bookmark for their efforts, Matvejs Ursa and Lucas Grigore

Star Writers

These children have used a range of powerful vocabulary and techniques to become a Star Writer; Kevin Girdenis, Ian Alexander, Layla-Mai Eaton, Gabriela Alves Rodrigues,Benjamin Winjobi, Jaime Trotman, Mihaela Bordei, Wajeeha Hussain, Ricky Donovan, Esther Appiah, Rebecca Stecto, Teddy Button,Kian Simbwa Muwenda, Rosie Nash, Elizabeth Hau, Stefan Labedzki, Jessica Shorter and Jessica Bradfield. Look out for examples of their work on the blog!


Well done to Canada class who had the highest attendance in Y5&6 and overall at 99.4% . Greece had the highest attendance in LKS2 at 98.6% and Kenya had the highest attendance in KS1 at 95.6%. Well done to them!. The overall attendance was very slightly down on last week and below our 96% target. Hopefully we’ll get it back to 96+% next week!

LFPA - Firework Night Extravaganza

The Learning Federation Parents’ Association will be hosting the Harold Hill Firework Extravaganza on Monday​ ​6th November​ ​2017​, 5.30pm-7.30pm​ at Broadford​ ​Primary​ ​School​. Tickets must be purchased in advance and will be sold on a first come first serve basis. Tickets will not be available on the night of the event. Tickets are priced at £3 for children under 14 and £5 for adults.

Please complete the form available and place into a clearly labelled envelope along with payment and return to either school.

We look forward to seeing many of you there on the night.

Diary Dates

On Monday 2nd October pupils in the Harry Potter book club will be watching the first film in preparation for Round 1 of the Harry Potter quiz. Our year 5 children will be watching a falconry exhibition in school while Years 3 and 4 will be learning about Road Safety through a magic show presentation.
On Wednesday afternoon the Federation netball team will be taking part in a tournament at Albany School
On Thursday 5th some year 6 pupils will have the opportunity to practise their cycling skills
On Friday 6th Year 4 will take part in a Roman workshop.

Important dates for this term
Parents’ Evenings
16th/17th October
Half term-school closed
Monday 23rd-Friday 28th October
Christmas Holidays-school closed
Thursday 21st December -Tuesday 2nd January

INSET Dates & Polling Day  for 2017-18
Please note the school closure dates for this academic year.
INSET day 1
INSET day 2
INSET day 3
4th Sep
18th Sep
9th Feb
Polling Day
INSET day 4
INSET day 5
3rd May
25th May
29th June

Harvest Festival

Hopefully you have all received letters about our Harvest Festival assemblies which are taking place on Tuesday 10th October. This year once again we are going to give your donations to the Harold Hill Foodbank who do such a wonderful job helping local residents in times of need.

We would therefore be grateful if children could start bringing in donations from next week. The Foodbank have specifically asked for non-perishable items as they cannot pre determine when the food will be distributed. They have indicated there is a shortage of long life milk/juice, tinned meat and sugar for distribution but they have plenty of pasta and baked beans.

Newsletter 29th September

Weekly Newsletter
29th September  2017
Dear Parents,
Reception and  3 year old Nursery children have started full time this week and have all settled brilliantly. We are thrilled that they are part of our school community and we hope that pupils and their families feel at home here at Mead already. We are looking forward to welcoming our 2 year old nursery children who start full time next week.

Diary Dates
On Monday 2nd October pupils in the Harry Potter book club will be watching the first film in preparation for Round 1 of the Harry Potter quiz. Our year 5 children will be watching a falconry exhibition in school while Years 3 and 4 will be learning about Road Safety through a magic show presentation.
On Wednesday afternoon the Federation netball team will be taking part in a tournament at Albany School
On Thursday 5th some year 6 pupils will have the opportunity to practise their cycling skills
On Friday 6th Year 4 will take part in a Roman workshop.

Important dates for this term
Parents’ Evenings
16th/17th October
Half term-school closed
Monday 23rd-Friday 28th October
Christmas Holidays-school closed
Thursday 21st December -Tuesday 2nd January

INSET Dates & Polling Day  for 2017-18
Please note the school closure dates for this academic year.
INSET day 1
INSET day 2
INSET day 3
4th Sep
18th Sep
9th Feb
Polling Day
INSET day 4
INSET day 5
3rd May
25th May
29th June

Harvest Festival
Hopefully you have all received letters about our Harvest Festival assemblies which are taking place on Tuesday 10th September. This year once again we are going to give your donations to the Harold Hill Foodbank who do such a wonderful job helping local residents in times of need.
We would therefore be grateful if children could start bringing in donations from next week. The Foodbank have specifically asked for non-perishable items as they cannot pre determine when the food will be distributed. They have indicated there is a shortage of long life milk/juice, tinned meat and sugar for distribution but they have plenty of pasta and baked beans.

LFPA - Firework Night Extravaganza
The Learning Federation Parents’ Association will be hosting the Harold Hill Firework Extravaganza on Monday​ ​6th November​ ​2017​, 5.30pm-7.30pm​ at Broadford​ ​Primary​ ​School​. Tickets must be purchased in advance and will be sold on a first come first serve basis. Tickets will not be available on the night of the event. Tickets are priced at £3 for children under 14 and £5 for adults.
Please complete the form available and place into a clearly labelled envelope along with payment and return to either school.
We look forward to seeing many of you there on the night.

Havering Catering Services
Week beginning 2nd October is week 3 on the Havering Catering Services menu. The price of a meal at lunchtime is £2.20.

Start of the day
It is really pleasing to see so many children taking advantage of the earlier opening time. Teachers have reported a significant difference in behaviour, in that the environment is much calmer and pupils settle quickly to their work.
Pupils who come in early have the opportunity to socialise with their peers and with their teacher. Teachers have the chance to catch up with small group work -so it is beneficial all round.
Based on this we have decided to extend the school day-Pupils will now be expected to be in school by 8:45am and anyone arriving after this time will be registered as late.

Have a fabulous weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs L Smith

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Year 6 Spelling List

Year 6 - Spelling list - Autumn - Week 4 

Here are this weeks spellings...

The new spelling list is given to children each Friday. The children are asked to practise their spellings at home for 15 minutes each day. They can practise by putting the words into sentences this will help them to understand how to use each word in the correct contexts. We then encourage the children to use these words within their independent writing activities throughout the week. 

Please remind children that their red spelling book should be returned to school each Friday so we can give the children their spellings for the following week.

Children will be tested on these spellings the following Friday.

School Gates

Parents, other than those displaying disabled badges, should not drive into the school to either drop of or collect children before/after school.
I appreciate parking around the school site is restricted but for safety reasons it is now our intention to close the gates. There is parking in Central Park which is only a very short walk away.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

School uniform shop

Sorry for the short notice but I have been advised that the school uniform shop is only open between 9am and 1pm today and tomorrow.

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Read, Write Inc workshop for Reception parents

Read, Write Inc (RWI) is the phonic programme we use in school to help teach your child to read and write. Following our stay and read morning session on Tuesday 3rd October  we will be holding  a parent workshop explaining how we teach phonics (letter sounds) to your child, providing practical examples and strategies to best help you support them at home and allow them to reach their full potential.

We welcome all Reception parents to come along and join us.  We look forward to seeing you on  Tuesday 3rd October at 9am in the KS1 hall.

Firework Event

It seems there is some confusion about applying for tickets......

Children will be bringing home a letter about the event this evening-If you wish to apply for tickets you need to complete the form on the back of the letter and return it along with the money to school in an envelope. Members of the LFPA will collect these daily from school and ensure you get tickets.   


We're In The Paper: First Day In Reception

Make sure you get a copy of the Yellow Advertiser. They featured our Reception pupils this week and the photos are great. It is wonderful to see our youngest pupils taking to the outdoor area so well and making the most of the world class environment.

Click here to see the Yellow Advertiser article

New Duck House Installed

Thank you to the Thames Chase Volunteers who are helping to get the farm through its final phases of installation. Yesterday they managed to construct the new duck run and install the new house so that the chickens can finally move into their new accommodation.

This means that we can then:

  • demolish the old chicken coop
  • create a goat climbing tower
  • install the pathways around the enclosures
  • remove the old storage sheds
Keep checking in for more farm updates! Hopefully we will have the donkeys arriving in October, and then our new family will be almost complete.

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Maths in Italy class

Italy class enjoyed their maths lesson this morning. They had to represent different numbers using manipulatives.

Jimmy said "We all really enjoyed it, we liked being able to walk around the tables to see how other children had represented their numbers."

Danni said "We had to work together as a team to get it right." 

Monday, 25 September 2017

Reception Reading Morning


Reading morning - Tuesday 3rd October

Reception are inviting parents to come and join us for our first reading morning of ther term. On Tuesday 3rd October from 8.30-9am we are asking parents to come and join their child in their classes for at least 5 minutes reading a book to them or with them. We are continuing to promote a child's love of reading and we hope it will provide an opportunity for you to be able to share in this.

Following our reading morning we will also be running a Read, Write Inc parent workshop providing you with information on how best to help your child at home with their phonics.

We very much look forward to welcoming you on Tuesday 3rd.

Reception Team