Weekly Newsletter
29th September 2017
Dear Parents,
Reception and 3 year old Nursery children have started full time this week and have all settled brilliantly. We are thrilled that they are part of our school community and we hope that pupils and their families feel at home here at Mead already. We are looking forward to welcoming our 2 year old nursery children who start full time next week.
Diary Dates
On Monday 2nd October pupils in the Harry Potter book club will be watching the first film in preparation for Round 1 of the Harry Potter quiz. Our year 5 children will be watching a falconry exhibition in school while Years 3 and 4 will be learning about Road Safety through a magic show presentation.
On Wednesday afternoon the Federation netball team will be taking part in a tournament at Albany School
On Thursday 5th some year 6 pupils will have the opportunity to practise their cycling skills
On Friday 6th Year 4 will take part in a Roman workshop.
Important dates for this term
Parents’ Evenings
16th/17th October
Half term-school closed
Monday 23rd-Friday 28th October
Christmas Holidays-school closed
Thursday 21st December -Tuesday 2nd January
INSET Dates & Polling Day for 2017-18
Please note the school closure dates for this academic year.
INSET day 1
INSET day 2
INSET day 3
4th Sep
18th Sep
9th Feb
Polling Day
INSET day 4
INSET day 5
3rd May
25th May
29th June
Harvest Festival
Hopefully you have all received letters about our Harvest Festival assemblies which are taking place on Tuesday 10th September. This year once again we are going to give your donations to the Harold Hill Foodbank who do such a wonderful job helping local residents in times of need.
We would therefore be grateful if children could start bringing in donations from next week. The Foodbank have specifically asked for non-perishable items as they cannot pre determine when the food will be distributed. They have indicated there is a shortage of long life milk/juice, tinned meat and sugar for distribution but they have plenty of pasta and baked beans.
LFPA - Firework Night Extravaganza
The Learning Federation Parents’ Association will be hosting the Harold Hill Firework Extravaganza on Monday 6th November 2017, 5.30pm-7.30pm at Broadford Primary School. Tickets must be purchased in advance and will be sold on a first come first serve basis. Tickets will not be available on the night of the event. Tickets are priced at £3 for children under 14 and £5 for adults.
Please complete the form available and place into a clearly labelled envelope along with payment and return to either school.
We look forward to seeing many of you there on the night.
Havering Catering Services
Week beginning 2nd October is week 3 on the Havering Catering Services menu. The price of a meal at lunchtime is £2.20.
Start of the day
It is really pleasing to see so many children taking advantage of the earlier opening time. Teachers have reported a significant difference in behaviour, in that the environment is much calmer and pupils settle quickly to their work.
Pupils who come in early have the opportunity to socialise with their peers and with their teacher. Teachers have the chance to catch up with small group work -so it is beneficial all round.
Based on this we have decided to extend the school day-Pupils will now be expected to be in school by 8:45am and anyone arriving after this time will be registered as late.
Have a fabulous weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs L Smith