Monday 13 August 2018

Staff BBQ

2017/18 has been a very successful and action packed year at Mead Primary. Tradition dictates that to celebrate the finale of another year, we have a staff BBQ after school. With the current heat wave creating perfect conditions to sit outside, relax and enjoy some great food our staff were able to reflect on some fantastic achievements:

What was your highlight of 2017/18?

Having so many more visitors come to see our school and meet our amazing children! We are so proud to show them round and highlight what we have accomplished! Schools, the DfE, other Headteachers and even visitors from the USA... all have left inspired by what they have seen at Mead.
Mrs Smith

Our Year 6 children produced an amazing set of SATs results this year. It has been hard work, but their effort paid off. It means we have now banked 3 consecutive years of excellent results and it shows that all of the training, investment and team building is really paying off!
Miss Highton

The farm! It has really captivated the children and the staff. To come into work and see donkeys. ponies and goats is wonderful. The farm helpers have really excelled and given some children a new leash of life and sense of purpose.
Miss Rowton

What would your highlight of the year be?