Sunday 4 February 2018

Nursery Newsletter Spring 1 week 6

Term: Spring 1                     Date: 05.02.2018 

Dear Parent/Carer,

The children have really enjoyed  learning about Traditional tales this half term. Whilst learning about these stories the children have developed their speaking and listening skills and  their understanding of story structure . They have also worked collaboratively both in their free play and in their group retelling.

This week we will be learning about the Celebration pf Chinese New Year, We will be tasting food, making dragons. hearing the story of how the animals got their Chinese new year places amongst other activities.

These are the skills we will be focusing on this week:


The children are continuing to develop the skills to count accurately. We will be practising our counting and looking at sizes and shapes of things.


The children will be pretending to prepare Chinese food and use chopsticks. They will also be trying some Chinese food. 

The children will have daily sessions outside developing their gross motor skills.

The children will be able to practise their mark making and looking at the shapes of Chinese writing. 

The children will continue to have access to collage materials so they can create their own pictures and make their own dragons. 

Communication and Language
Encouraging children to use simple sentences correctly.
Encouraging children to hold a conversation and respond to comments.

Personal and Social Development
Ensuring children are able to cooperate with routines and some boundaries.
Modelling the correct behaviours in play, ensuring children use resources well and begin to share with other children.

This is our last week at Nursery before the half term holiday.
School is closed on Friday 9th February  and reopens on Monday 19th February

Dates for your Diary

Friday 9th February-Nursery closed due to staff training

Monday 12th February-Friday 16th February-Half term

Monday 19th February-School reopens

Friday 9th March-Stay and Play Mother`s day activities 

If you would like to contact a member of staff feel free to contact us on

Kind regards,

The Nursery Team