Tuesday, 12 November 2019
Reception Friendship Workshop
Today the children in Reception were treated to an exciting morning full of dancing and acting. West End schools came to visit us for our workshop on 'Friendship'. We had an opportunity to talk and share all of the things which make us a good friend, "sharing" said Lexie, "using kind words and feet" said Layla and Stanley summed it up by saying "being someone's friend".
We then delved into our acting skills, learning how to mime. The children got to create movements to symbolise different actions for things they like to do for example running, ballet, eating vegetables and spending time with family were among things said.
Using their new found miming skills, the children were then asked to recall what makes them a good friend and demonstrated this through their own 'friendship picture' using actions.
"I liked the running" said Roman and "I liked doing the ballet" D'arcy was heard saying. The children all had a wonderful morning and we would like to extend our thanks to Glando for visiting us today.