Wednesday, 13 November 2019
The Children in Need merchandise has finally been delivered (hooray) and has been given out to the children today. Thank you so much for your patience. To anyone who purchased Pudsey or Blush ears : the price went up from £2 to £2.50 from when the original letter and blog was sent out. Could you please send in the extra 50p as soon as possible - sorry. We still have a few items left so if you would like to make a purchase please send the money in tomorrow (Thursday) and children can buy their items from Miss Redgrave in Palau class. The children may wear their badges and/or ears on Children in Need day (Friday). Thank you for your generosity. We will post the total amount raised as soon as we have counted the money!
Pudsey ears - £2.50
Light up keyring - £2
Gold or silver badge - £1
Pudsey wristband - £1