Parent Governor Elections
The Learning Federation is inviting nominations for Parent Governors to join the Local Governing Body. We are seeking nominations from parents and carers of Mead Primary to fill one vacancy. A letter has been sent to all parents and carers with details of the role, how to apply and information regarding the qualifications and disqualifications to to serve as a maintained school governor. If you would like to make a nomination please use the link here Nomination for Parent Governor of the Learning Federation. If you are making a nomination on behalf of another parent or carer, please seek their permission before making a nomination. The closing date for nominations is Monday 22nd January at 12pm. Should you wish to submit a paper nomination, please collect and submit at the school office by Monday 22nd January at 12pm.
Parking Gooshays Drive
This week there have been a number of complaints from local residents regarding parking across driveways. Please park respectfully when dropping off and collecting your children.
A huge thank you to parents who follow our attendance procedure and inform our Attendance officer when their child is going to be absent from school. Unfortunately this isn’t always the case and the school is not always being updated with every child's absence. This can lead to your child’s absence being unauthorised. During the winter months we understand there is an uptick of coughs, colds and viruses and we are always vigilant with our children in school that should they become unwell we take all the necessary steps to ensure they are looked after. With this in mind can I please remind you that you do not need to keep your child at home with common winter bugs like colds and coughs. There has been an increase recently of children missing school for this reason. Any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to contact our Attendance officer, Mrs Corless.
End of day collections
If your child is being collected by a different person at the end of the day, please inform the school. If we have not been informed, we will not be able to let your child go until we have spoken to you and have verbal permission, This is part of our safeguarding procedures. Thank you for your understanding.
Please be aware that as we continue to improve our attendance and punctuality in school you will be asked for proof of appointments when collecting early or arriving late. This is to allow us to authorise the absence. Proof of appointments can be in the form of a text message or appointment card that can be shown to the office team which will inform the pupils attendance record. Thank you in advance for your support. If you have any queries please speak to Mrs Corless, Attendance Officer.
Key Information and dates
School Ping
Squid login
Havering Catering Lunch Menu
Dates for the Diary
Thursday 25th January Attendance Hub Drop in from 8:45am
Tuesday 6th February Parents Evening
Wednesday 7th January Parents Evening
Thursday 8th February Attendance Hub Parent Drop in from 8:45am
Thursday 28th March Last Day of Spring 1
Thursday 7th March World Book Day
Friday 29th March School closed- Good Friday
Monday 15th April INSET DAY
Tuesday 16th April Children return to school
Thursday 2nd May Polling Station-School closed to children
Tuesday 23rd July Last Day of Summer term
Wednesday 24th July INSET DAY-School closed
Yours sincerely,
Ms A Holmes