Monday, 27 April 2020
Massive congratulations to those pupils who were able to complete their weeks learning this first week of the Summer term.-Very well done to you!
These are unprecedented times and I am aware of how difficult it is for parents to take on the teachers role-although I am reliably informed some of you have done really well dishing out the detentions!!!!!
Whilst we want you to enjoy some family time, teachers are working hard to ensure your children are also able to keep up, to some degree, with their learning and all pupils have been given passwords etc to enable them to access online classrooms.
Where this is not possible there are packs in school for all year groups that can be collected weekly.
If you need any help with any of the above please don't hesitate to call school.
In the meantime stay safe and we look forward to welcoming you all back when safe to do so.