Thursday, 30 April 2020

Superstar Ailie

We are really proud of a member of our staff.
In response to the NHS call for more scrubs our lovely Ailie Moul has been busy at her sewing machine. Ailie you are a super star and we are really proud to call you a member of the Mead Team.

Monday, 27 April 2020

New Reception parents

Dear Parent/Carer

Children starting school in September 2020

I am writing to welcome all families that have been offered a Reception place for their child at Mead Primary School. Thank you for choosing Mead. We look forward to your child starting their school journey with us in September and getting to know them as the wonderful individuals that they are!

As a school, we are committed to smooth and timely transitions that allow each child to settle in, get to know their teachers and make new friends. We believe parents and carers play a key role in this transition so you too can feel reassured that your children are safe and happy. I can only imagine that during this time of uncertainty, the natural worries and anxieties that occur when children are about to start school are increased. As we don’t know how long school closures will last, it is difficult for us to publish details of our usual transition programme. However, please let me reassure you that we are planning ways in which we can prepare your child and give them the best possible start to school.

Starting school is a milestone for both you and your child. It is a time to be celebrated. Whilst we understand that current measures make this more difficult, we will do everything we can to ensure it stays that way and is a positive experience for everyone. We will be in touch over the summer term to inform you of our plans, but we also have to be prepared for plans to change should new guidance from the government be released. Please keep an eye on our website and Facebook, where we will update you with regular information regarding our school:

At Mead , we aim to build an excellent relationship between home and school. Whilst this may start off as more of a virtual relationship, this remains a priority for us. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further information – our contact details are below.

We look forward to meeting you all in the coming months.


Mrs L.Smith


Free School Meals

Sign up now and claim your free school meal vouchers from the 20th April 2020

The government has set up a Free School Meal voucher scheme for our families with children who are eligible to receive free school meals to claim weekly supermarket vouchers during the Coronavirus crisis. Families will receive £15 per child per week.

The voucher will be issued by email as an eCode which can be redeemed at six different supermarkets including Asda, Tesco and Sainsburys.

What you can spend the vouchers on:
You can only use the vouchers on groceries. You must spend the full voucher value at once.
You can’t:
· use the vouchers on fuel or other household expenses
· use the vouchers on tobacco or lottery tickets
· exchange the vouchers for cash

To claim your vouchers you must complete the form below as soon as possible , IN FULL so that the school can confirm eligibility and arrange for the ecode to be emailed to you.​
Vouchers can take up to 72 hours to process once applied for.

If you weren’t eligible for FSM before the schools closed but you think you might be now, use the link below to check the criteria and apply:


Massive congratulations to those pupils who were able to complete their weeks learning this first week of the Summer term.-Very well done to you!
These are unprecedented times and I am aware of how difficult it is for parents to take on the teachers role-although I am reliably informed some of you have done really well dishing out the detentions!!!!!
Whilst we want you to enjoy some family time, teachers are working hard to ensure your children are also able to keep up, to some degree, with their learning and all pupils have been given passwords etc to enable them to access online classrooms.
Where this is not possible there are packs in school for all year groups that can be collected weekly.
If you need any help with any of the above please don't hesitate to call school.
In the meantime stay safe and we look forward to welcoming you all back when safe to do so.

Sunday, 26 April 2020

Olivia in Germany Class.

Olivia, in Germany class, worked really hard on the Friday's reading assignment. She has made a special YouTube video of herself reading and she included BSL signs. Well done Olivia!

Click the link below to watch.

Sunday, 19 April 2020

Friday, 17 April 2020

The British Library

For the love of reading....

Explore centuries of stories, poems and illustrations with Discovering Children's Books. For children, teachers and book-lovers of all ages.

School closure information

Dear Parents,

We hope that you are all well and keeping safe. 

As you would have seen on the news we now know the lockdown is to continue for at least another 3 weeks so we want to make you aware of the provision we are making for your child. 
As most of you already know EYFS and KS1 children can access tasks on the internet through Classdojo and KS2 through google class room. It has been so pleasing to see the results from you using this provision.

Under normal circumstances the children would be returning to school this coming Monday 20th April but as this is not possible teachers will be setting tasks on a daily basis though the online classrooms. We take our responsibility to educate your children and support our families seriously and hope you will encourage your children to complete the tasks so as far as possible they stay on track with their learning.  

For those that are unable to access the online classrooms learning packs are being prepared which will be available for collection from school on a Monday. We hope you will encourage your child/children to complete the work prepared and return it to school when you collect the next pack.

We know this is a difficult time and that most of you are not trained educators so hopefully this will help keep your child progressing with their learning. 

As you may be aware Miss Bloom is doing an amazing job with her 'story time' for our younger children -As of Monday I will be doing story time for our older pupils via facebook at 2:30 every day- hopefully your children will be able to join me.

In the meantime Good Luck and Stay safe.

Kind Regards
Lin Smith

Friday, 10 April 2020

SSE - The alphabet song

Try and join in with the alphabet song!

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Important - Apply now for FSM vouchers which will be available from 20/04/2020

Sign up now and claim your free school meal vouchers from the 20th April 2020

The government has set up a Free School Meal voucher scheme for our families with children who are eligible to receive free school meals to claim weekly supermarket vouchers during the Coronavirus crisis. Families will receive £15 per child per week.

The voucher will be issued by email as an eCode which can be redeemed at six different supermarkets including Asda, Tesco and Sainsburys.

What you can spend the vouchers on:
You can only use the vouchers on groceries. You must spend the full voucher value at once.
You can’t:
· use the vouchers on fuel or other household expenses
· use the vouchers on tobacco or lottery tickets
· exchange the vouchers for cash

To claim your vouchers you must complete the form below as soon as possible , IN FULL so that the school can confirm eligibility and arrange for the ecode to be emailed to you.​
Vouchers can take up to 72 hours to process once applied for.

If you weren’t eligible for FSM before the schools closed but you think you might be now, use the link below to check the criteria and apply:

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

A big thank you to the staff!

The Local Authority were approached by the Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospital NHS Trust (BHRUT), requesting support as they construct visors for front line NHS workers, due to current shortages.

Having heard about this our amazing staff at the Learning Federation came into school today; set up a sterile environment and began to make the personal protective equipment.

They are working continuously to support the community and make a difference to the NHS.

Thank you staff!

Monday, 6 April 2020

SSE - Sign Supported English

Good morning,

We are back again and this time we are asking you to have a go at signing the alphabet. Once you have that down, learn to sign your name!

Friday, 3 April 2020

Rainbows of hope at Mead

Today the KS2 children showed their support by making rainbows of hope. We have put these at the front gate and are hoping to make more when we can.

We hope you like them as much as we do!


Go kart fun!

This is what Miss Pountney got up to today, how are you keeping busy?

Keep busy and keep safe from all at Mead.

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Urgent - if you are eligible for FSMs during Easter

Easter Holidays

If your child will require a food parcel from the school, during this time, then you must call or email the school by 9am Friday. Please note this is only for if your child is entitled to a free school meal.

Bank holidays

Due to not being required by those who are eligible for their children to be in school. we are shut on Friday 10th April and Monday 13th April (Easter weekend)

 I'm sure you'll join me in wishing the staff a well deserved four day rest.

Please note that we are open to those students mentioned above for the rest of the holidays.