Monday, 2 March 2020
Promoting good hygiene
With lots of colds and coughs this time of year in school we promote this advice to all:
1. Eat well- Ensuring children have a healthy and varied diet and eat lots of fruit and vegetables will help their immune system to be fit and healthy
2. Hand washing –Practicing effective hand washing after being outside, before eating and being around others is an effective way of minimising the spread of the cold virus and transferring it children themselves
3. Drinking water – Drinking plenty of water will ensure children’s bodies are hydrated, this will help children to feel fit and help their bodies to work correctly during the cold virus season
4. Dressing correctly – Wearing appropriate clothing (hats, gloves, coats) depending on whether you are indoors or outdoors will help children to maintain the right temperature, which will ensure they are ready for the cold virus
5. Preventing the spread of colds – Covering their mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing and using a tissue if possible (wash hands afterwards). Adults should remind children to do this and help younger children. (Keeping a pack of tissues in their (of your) bag is always handy during winter! Alcohol gel can be beneficial but should be supervised at all times with young children.
6. Exercise- Keeping active can help the body to stay strong, fit and healthy, which can help to prevents colds, so ensuring children are active can be beneficial.