Sunday, 8 March 2020
Nursery Newsletter Spring 2 Week 3
We hope you are having a good weekend.
Thank you so much for sending the children into school looking so amazing for World Book Day.
They had a really lovely time dressed up as their favourite characters and learnt a lot about the magic of books.Thank you to all the parents that came back to Nursery early so they could read with your child.We had a wonderful turn out and the children clearly loved it.
Thanks also to the parents that attended our Dementia coffee morning and made a donation .We do like to organise these events as we know some of our Mead families have been affected .If you would like to donate there is still time.
This week our focus book will be Titch by Pat Hutchins. The children will be planting their own seed that we hope will grow and grow and grow.
This week`s home challenge has a maths focus.
To match our work on Titch can you ask an adult to bring in your answers to the following questions
Who is the tallest person in your house?
Who is the shortest person in your house?
How did you measure them?
Can you find 3 things taller than you?
Can you find 3 things shorter than you?
Coronavirus Update
We are receiving daily updates about the coronavirus implication for schools.
There is currently no cause for concern at the school, but we will keep you informed about any developments and ensure we are keeping the school clean to prevent the spread of any virus.
We are encouraging more thorough handwashing for the children.
In order to prevent the spread of infection
Make sure you and your children follow these general principles to prevent spreading any respiratory virus:
Wash your hands often – with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or an alcohol-based sanitiser if soap and water aren’t available
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
Avoid close contact with people who are sick
If you feel unwell, stay at home and don’t attend work or school
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in a bin
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces in the home
If you’re worried about your symptoms, please call NHS 111 – don’t go directly to your GP or other healthcare environment.
We now have the opportunity for our morning children to attend additional afternoon sessions if you have an appointment. These will cost 15 pounds for the extra lunchtime and afternoon session.
Bookings must be made by 12p.m on the previous Friday. Please talk to Nursery staff if you need some advice with this.
We will continue to listen out for good manners this week. We are proud of how well the children are using them and so many more are saying a lovely good morning.
If anybody has any sound books or comics that their child no longer needs we would be very grateful for them.
If your child could borrow a book from our class lending library and then if you could send us a photo and a short comment about your child and how much they enjoyed sharing their book. We now have 10 of our children and we would really like some more.
We will then print the pictures off and share them in the Nursery the pictures look wonderful.
Please send the photos by email to
We will be asking the children to find their name when they come in each session and add it to the tree. The children brought home their name card at the end of the last session, if you can help your child to be able to recognise their name and if they are ready start to write their name. We would appreciate it.
The Newsletter will also be published on the EYFS blog. You can view this from the school website: or by following the school facebook page.
Please email staff if you have any queries on or feel free to pop in and see us if you have any concerns.