Friday, 11 October 2019
Weekly Newsletter-11th October 2019
Dear Parents,
Harvest Festival
We are holding our Harvest Festival assembly on Tuesday 29th October. This year, once again we are going to give your donations to the Harold Hill Foodbank who do such a wonderful job helping local residents in times of need.
We would therefore be grateful if children could start bringing in donations from Monday 14th October. The Foodbank have specifically asked for non-perishable items as they cannot pre determine when the food will be distributed.
Year 6 Parents - 31st October 2019
The deadline for applying for secondary school places is fast approaching. Please ensure that you have registered for an online account and applied for a secondary place before this date. If you require any assistance please come into the office and see Mrs Kinchella.
County Lines Talk - Tuesday 15th October @ Broadford School-6:30pm
The Learning Federation is hosting a presentation evening from Peter Wilson from the Metropolitan Police (Trident), regarding Child Criminal Exploitations and County Lines within Havering. This important information will assist with equipping members of the public and parents to be vigilant in supporting all children / young people regardless as to where they live. These talks have been very well received and are highly recommended for parents.
School Photographer
Our new school photographer Carmel Jones will be in school on Tuesday 15th October for individual and family photographs. Make sure that your hair is brushed and teeth are clean you'll be ready for your close up.
If you would like a family photograph with siblings who do not, as yet, attend school please come to the KS2 hall between 8:00am and 9:00am. If you want siblings who attend school to have their photograph taken together please ensure you complete the form, sent home earlier this week, and return it to school.
Diary Dates
Monday 14th October- Some of our pupils will be joining a LAMDA session in the afternoon and we are looking forward to welcoming parents/carers for the first of our Parent Consultation meetings after school.
Tuesday 15th October- Individual pupil photographs. During the afternoon year 3/4 pupils will be watching a Road Safety production and our Rugby teams will be attending a tournament at Draper’s Brookside. After school we look forward to welcoming parents/carers to the 2nd of our Parent Consultation meetings. There will be a book fair in the reception area ,the proceeds of which will help us purchase some books for our proposed new library.
Thursday 17th October Year 5 be attending a circus workshop in school. Egypt class will spend the afternoon at the local Fire Station.
Friday 18th October- Year 3 trip to Bedford Park
Autumn Term Parent Consultation Evening - Monday 14th & Tuesday 15th October
We are looking forward to welcoming all parents on Monday and Tuesday of next week for parent consultation meetings. You will have the opportunity to meet your child’s new class teacher and find out how they have settled so far this year. The teachers will also explain the expectations for the end of the year for your child.
Our Year 6 prefects will also be on hand to show you to the hall and asking parents to complete our annual parent survey.
Hopefully everyone now has an appointment time-if you haven’t please feel free to speak to your child’s class teacher to find a mutually convenient time
Important Dates
Monday 14th October- Parents Evening 1
Tuesday 15th October- Parents Evening 2
Friday 18th October- Last day of half term
Monday 28th October- Pupils back to school
As we now know we have use of the KS2 hall in December I can confirm the planned Christmas events for the end of term
Monday 9th December am- Nursery Christmas production pm-Reception Christmas production
Tuesday 10th December am-Reception Christmas production pm- KS1 Christmas production
Wednesday 11th December am-KSI Christmas production pm-YRS 3/4 Christmas production
Thursday 12th December am-YRS 3/4 Christmas production pm- YRS 5/6 Christmas production
Friday 13th December am-YRS 5/6YRS Christmas production-CHRISTMAS JUMPER DAY
Week beginning Monday 16th December -Christmas party week
Thursday 19th December-Carols in the playground
INSET Dates for 2019-20
Please note the school closure dates for this academic year.
INSET day 1- 4th September
INSET day 2- 3rd April
INSET day 3- 20th July
INSET day 4-21st July
INSET day 5- 22nd July
Please note that the final day of the summer term for pupils will be on Friday 17th July, 2020.
Term Dates 2019-20
Havering Catering Services
Week beginning Monday 14th October is week 1 on the Havering catering services menu. All meals are served with unlimited salad and vegetables and cost £2.25.
Please be reminded to top up your child’s catering account as we cannot provide dinners for pupils whose accounts exceed a debt of £10.
Havering catering Service now provide a breakfast club for Mead pupils. For £1.50 your child can have a bacon or sausage sandwich or beans on toast with cereal or toast or fresh fruit or yoghurt plus a drink.
We will also have speciality days when other items such as pancakes and muffins will be available.
In order for you to book a place you will need to deposit the money in advance in your Squid account.
Please do not send your child to school to attend breakfast club if there are no funds in your account as they will not be admitted.
Attendance Update
Well done to Brazil class who had the highest attendance in Y5&6 at 99.1% which they share with Madagascar class in KS1-both classes had just one pupil absent all week-Hopefully they’ll have 100% attendance next week and win their cupcake party . Greece had the highest attendance in years 3 &4. The overall attendance was disappointing at only 94.4% which is below our target!.
A number of holiday forms have been handed into school ,however I need to inform you that in line with local authority procedures, we will only authorise holidays in very exceptional circumstances.
Have a fantastic weekend
Mrs L. Smith