Friday, 3 May 2019
Dear Parents,
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter and were able to enjoy the sunshine-although I don’t know what’s happened to it since! It is wonderful to be back at school for the summer term as we have so much to look forward to! Lots of exciting trips are planned including the year 5 residential to Mersea. Mr Robinson and Mr Stanbridge have been busy planning the school sports days and other summer events such as Go Bonkers Day and 3sixty bicycle stunt team sessions have been planned.
Thank you to everyone who visited Mead Farm last term-your support is much appreciated and we raised over £600 to help towards the cost of keeping our animals.
Please be aware that school will be closed on Thursday 23rd May as we are being used as a Polling Station.
Diary Dates
Monday 6th May School is closed-Bank Holiday
Tuesday 7th May -Dental checks for some of our younger children.
Wednesday 8th May- Year 1 pupils visiting Southend-Let’s hope the sun shines for them! The School nurse is in school for St Lucia class health checks and this afternoon some of our year 3 pupils will be attending a Forest school session.
Thursday 9th May- Some of our year 3 and 4 pupils will be representing Mead at a Football Tournament at St. Ursula’s. Our nursery team are meeting with some of our parents today.
Friday 10th May - Between 8:30 and 9:00 Reception parents are invited into school for a Reading morning. Nursery parent meetings continue. We are holding a coffee morning for parents of SEN pupils across the Federation between 9:30 and 10:30.
Monday 13th May- Thursday 16th May -Year 6 SATs week
Monday 20th May- Friday 25th May -Year 2 SATs week
Thursday 23rd May-SCHOOL CLOSED (as it is being used as a Polling Station)
Monday 27th May-Friday 31st May Half term-School Closed
Monday 3rd June-INSET DAY -School closed
Tuesday 4th June-Pupils come back to school
Wednesday 5th June-Friday 7th June-Mersea Residential
Monday 1st july 9:15-12:00 year 5/6 Sports Day 13:30-15:00 Year 2 Sports Day (Weather permitting)
Tuesday 2nd July 9:15-12:00 Year 3/4 Sports Day 13:30-15;00 Year 1 Sports Day (Weather permitting)
Thursday 4th July 13:30-15:00 Reception Sports Day
Saturday 6th July LFPA Summer Fete
Friday 19th July Last Day of summer term
Havering Catering Services
Week beginning Monday 29th April is week 2 on the Havering catering services menu. All meals are served with unlimited salad and vegetables and cost £2.20.
Attendance Update
Well done to Canada class who had the highest attendance in Y5&6 at 99.1%. Greece had the highest attendance in LKS2 and overall at 99.2% and Palau had the highest attendance in KS1 at 97.9%. Well done to them!. The overall attendance was disappointing at only 94.2% which is below our target-hopefully we can improve on this next week!
Have a wonderful weekend
Mrs L. Smith