Friday, 18 May 2018
Diary Dates
Our Indonesian music school experience continues next week-I have heard fantastic reports from those who have already attended- so lots to look forward to for those who haven’t as yet.
Next week is Walk to School Week. Teachers will be totalling the number of children walking to school each day and those who manage to walk everyday will get a reward.
Monday 21st May -Germany class will be orienteering in the local area during the afternoon. Our year 6 pupils will be watching a ‘Miles the Mole’ performance which focuses on Road Safety. After school some of our year 6 pupils will be attending Draper’s Academy for Science club.
Tuesday 22nd May- 8:30-9:30 Reception parents/carers are invited into school for a reading morning with their children. Greece class will be orienteering in the local area during the afternoon.
Wednesday 23rd May-During the afternoon our girls football team will be attending a tournament at St Ursula’s Primary school. Some of our year 3 pupils will be attending Forest Schools session and Italy class will be orienteering in the local area during the afternoon
Thursday 24th May-In the afternoon there will be a quiz between our Harry Potter club and Broadfords’ Harry Potter club.
Friday 25th May- Inset Day -Teacher training/School closed for pupils.