Friday, 11 May 2018
The number of pupils arriving late in school has been rising recently-Please be reminded children can come into school from 8:30 onwards and they are definitely expected to be in school by 8:45. Persistent latecomers are reported to the local authority and this could result in a fine.
We also have a large number of pupils not collected on time at the end of the day. This often causes a lot of distress to the children and congestion in the reception area. We are aware that on rare occasions a parent may be delayed, through no fault of their own, and of course in this situation we are happy to hold on to your child until you arrive to collect them, BUT we can no longer tolerate parents regularly arriving late to collect their children and will be considering adopting measures to prevent this happening.
Also if you need to arrange alternative collection arrangements, e.g someone else to collect your child, you must inform our office BEFORE 2:30 -this ensures there is sufficient time to pass the information on to the class teacher.