Monday 25th September -Reception children in full time, Nursery children start full hours
Thursday 28th September-Year 2 Spinebreakers to visit Waterstones
Monday 2nd October -2 Year olds start full hours in the Nursery. Year ¾ Road Safety Magic show in school
Tuesday 3rd October-15:00-16:00- Mead v St Ursula’s netball match
Important dates for this term
Parents’ Evenings -16th/17th October
Half term-school closed -Monday 23rd-Friday 28th October
Christmas Holidays-school closed -Thursday 21st December -Tuesday 2nd January
INSET Dates & Polling Day for 2017-18
Please note the school closure dates for this academic year.
INSET day 1 -4th Sep
INSET day 2 -18th Sep
INSET day 3 -9th Feb
Polling Day -3rd May
INSET day 4 -25th May
INSET day 5 -29th June