Friday, 28 February 2025

Achievement Awards - 28.2.25

 Amazing Awards!

Attendance Awards

A huge well done to the following classes who have all achieved 95% and above. New Zealand, Palau, Madagascar, Scotland, Germany, Mexico, Canada and Malaysia. A pleasing week overall for attendance. Let’s keep it up!

Bingo Homework

Siyaa (Northern Ireland), Sapphire, Shawaiz and Sid (Scotland), Izabella, Sebastian and Nathan (Greece)

15 Books Certificates

Ja’c, Chelsea, Ella, Heavenly, Bobby & JJ (Bronze) (Wales), Gabriela,Ozil, Nicoleta, Emma,  James, Neel and Ruby (Bronze), Victoria (Silver) (New Zealand), Milena (Bronze) (Scotland) Sofiia- Silver (England)

Malta Star of the Week

Congratulations to Noah who is awarded Malta Star of the Week for his increased independence and confidence at navigating the Chromebook to type, during computing!

Star Writer Certificates

These children have excelled with their writing this week. Well done to Albert, Ella & Mujeeb (Wales), Amy (England), Ezra (Kenya), Oscar (New Zealand), Reggie (Fiji), Nevaeh (Malaysia), Jeremiah (USA), Jessiah(Morocco), Biddy(Mexico), David (Madagascar), Tommy (Northern Ireland), Harry (Scotland), Simeon (Antigua), Ruby (Greece), Sophia  Elena (Italy), Arlo (St Lucia), Scarlett-May (Palau), Skye (Jamaica), Emilia (Germany), Maryam (India), Egypt Class, Leya (Brazil)

Star Reader Certificates

These children have worked really hard on their reading this week. Well done to Heavenly (Wales), Martyn (England), Abdullah (Kenya), Re’niyah (New Zealand), Theo (Fiji), Lorienne (Canada) Andrew (USA), Atanas (Morocco), Della (Mexico) Zayeen (Madagascar), Leo (Northern Ireland), JJ (Scotland), Vilmalea (Antigua), Emaan (Greece), Ivy-May (St Lucia), Maddison (Kenya), Mark (Palau) Harper (Jamaica), Zelda (Germany), Elda (Malaysia), Charlotte (India), Anja (Egypt), Karl (Brazil)

Star Mathematician Certificates

These children have enjoyed a fantastic week with their maths. Well done to Parisha & Erik (Wales), Olivia (England), Tommy H (Kenya), Noor (New Zealand), Madhav (Fiji), Antony (Malaysia), Amelia, Poppy (Canada) Rayya (USA), Emma, Nifemi and Mickey(Morocco), Gloria(Mexico), Anastasia (Madagascar), Talula (Northern Ireland), Rayne (Scotland), Havana (Antigua), Summer (Greece), Freya, Clio & Jenson (Italy), Inaya (St Lucia), Aria (Palau), Kiyaan + Nina (Jamaica), Zofia (Germany), Ugo (India), Kimberleigh (Egypt), Amelia (Brazil)

Achievement  Certificates 

These children have earned 20 Achievement points and are on their way to the Mead Roll of Honour.

Dylan & Max (Wales), Evie B, Cory, Angelica, Buddy, Abdullah (Kenya), Lul, Sofia, Harley (Fiji), Anna (Malaysia), Taylor, Amelia, Amy (Canada), Nancy, Keira and Talula (Northern Ireland), Sid and Chloe (Scotland), Cat, Mahir, Harvey, Amelia, Roens (Italy), Albi and Billie (Greece), Charlotte, Renesmee, Levi, Parin, Gracelyn (India), Isabelle, Alex and Chloe (Egypt) Olivia, Ivan and Aliyah (England)

Mathletics Award

Bronze certificate

Riley (Kenya), Nisin (Madagascar), Ivan (England), Enki (Scotland) Sofia J (Palau)

Silver certificate

Harry (New Zealand), Benjamin (Egypt), Max &  Heavenly (Wales), Daruis(Mexico), Nuhaa (Mexico), Alessia (Northern Ireland), Isha, Chloe, David and Enki (Scotland), Izyan (Canada)

Gold Certificate

Anastasia, Leonela, Brody (Madagascar), Madhav (Fiji), Sid (Scotland)

Platinum Certificate 

Luke, Sebastian and Jamarb (New Zealand), Abdullah (Kenya), David, Sophie (Madagascar), Denizhan (Morocco), Maaz, Jaxson-Bridge (Fiji), Azrah, Alicia & Ethan (Wales), Andrey, Leo (Canada), Yasmin, Jake, Lilly (England), Sara, Sydney, Nancy, Matas and Milena (Northern Ireland), Katy (Scotland), Yani, Elhan (Palau), 

Emerald Certificate

Emma (New Zealand), Sophie, Besa (Kenya), Andrei G (Madagascar), Vivaan, Thomas, Sofia, Georgia, Maxim, Jaxson-Bridge (Fiji), Amy, Ustym (Canada), Amy, Olivia, Lilly (England), Milena (Scotland), Aahil, Artem, Sofia P, Adrian (Palau), 

Diamond Certificate

Albert (Wales), Stefan (England)

Golden Certificate

Congratulations to these children who have been awarded a Golden Certificate as they have made exceptionally good choices linked to The Mead Creed. These certificates are not easy to get so very well done to this week’s winners!

St Lucia (YR)


Antigua (YR)


Jamaica (YR)


New Zealand (Y1)

Samuel and Elsie

Palau (Y1)


Fiji (Y1)

Vivaan (Fiji)

Madagascar (Y2)


Morocco (Y2)

Aiyanna, JJ and Sophia J

Kenya (Y2)

Tommy C

Egypt (Y2)


Scotland (Y3)


Wales (Y3)


Northern Ireland (Y3)


England (Y3)


Italy (Y4)


Greece (Y4)


Spain (Y4)

Germany (Y4)


Brazil (Y5)

Canada (Y5)


Mexico (Y5)


USA (Y5)


China (Y6)

Malaysia (Y6)


India (Y6)


Weekly Newsletter - 28.2.25


Weekly Newsletter - Important Information

Friday 28th February 2025

Dear parents and Carers,

Welcome back. We hope you all had a wonderful break! The children have returned full of enthusiasm, diving straight into their learning and new topics. 

This week, our assemblies have focused on our Mead Creed—ensuring that all children understand the importance of being READY, RESPECTFUL, and SAFE in everything they do. These core values help us create a positive learning environment where everyone can thrive and succeed.

This half-term is packed with exciting events, including World Book Day, our Science Fair, and some Eggstra special Easter activities to end the term and we cannot wait to share this with you. Please see below for further information about World Book Day. 

Find it Friday – Lost Property 🧥

Due to the high volume of lost property, we have introduced Find it Friday! Each week, large lost property containers will be placed in the EYFS/KS1, Year 3, and Year 4/5/6 playgrounds at the start and at the  end of the school day. Please check these regularly.

Unclaimed Coats: Photos of lost coats are attached—if your child is missing one, please email the office to claim it. Any unclaimed coats will be donated to charity by Friday, 7th March.

Lost Water Bottles: Plastic bottles left in the dining room will be disposed of weekly if unclaimed.

Reminder: Please label all clothing and bottles with your child’s first and last name to help us return misplaced items.

Parental Consent Forms 

We have onl;y had around 200 responses to our updated consent form.Until we have received this information, we will not be sharing photographs or videos of children on our Facebook page. Please do so by Friday 7th March. 

World Book Day – Thursday, 6th March 📚

We are excited to celebrate World Book Day! Children and staff are invited to dress up as their favourite book character. There will be prizes for the best-dressed child in each year group, and the day will be filled with fun book-themed activities to celebrate the joy of reading!

Science Week Roadshow- Friday, 7th March 

Science week projects are due in by Friday 7th March ready for our Mead Science Roadshow. Parents are welcome to visit the roadshow after school on Friday 7th March 3:15-4:00pm with their children. Winners will be announced in assembly on Monday 10th March. 

Safer Streets Scheme 🚸

A reminder that the Safer Streets Scheme is in place between 7:45am – 9:15am and 2:15pm – 3:30pm. This is a Havering initiative designed to keep the roads safe for all children arriving at and leaving school.

Please be mindful of these restrictions when travelling to and from school. Thank you for helping to keep our school community safe! 

Havering SEND Family Voice

For information on upcoming SEND Family Voice workshops, please follow this link:
🔗 Havering SEND Family Voice Workshops

We’re looking forward to a fantastic half-term ahead!

Kindest regards, 

Ms A Holmes  


Friday, 14 February 2025

Weekly Newsletter - 14.2.25

 Weekly Newsletter - Important Information

Friday 14th February 2025

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week, our children have had fantastic opportunities to enrich their learning through exciting trips that enhance and bring the curriculum to life. It’s always wonderful to see them engaged, curious, and making meaningful connections beyond the classroom.

As we finish for half-term today, we want to remind you that school reopens on Monday,24th February.

A few important reminders for next half term:
✅ School Uniform – Please ensure children return in full school uniform after half-term. Uniform is an important part of our school identity, and we appreciate your support in maintaining high standards.
✅ Parental Consent Forms – 👉 Please complete the updated consent form by Monday 24th February, at the latest. Until we have received this information, we will not be sharing photographs or videos of children on our Facebook page.

✅Absence reporting-Please make sure that you inform the school of the reason for your child’s absence as soon as possible, ideally by 8:30am on each day of absence either by calling the school on 01708 343616 and pressing option 1 or emailing

Upcoming Events

Thank you all for your continued support. We hope that you enjoy a restful half term and we look forward to seeing you on Monday 24th February. 

Kindest regards, 

Ms A Holmes  


Achievement Awards - 14.2.25

 Amazing Awards!

Attendance Awards

A huge well done to the following classes who have all achieved 95% and above.Madagascar, Northern Ireland, Spain and Canada. 

We have also decided to celebrate the best attending class of each half term. This half term the class in KS1 with the best attendance overall is Kenya and in KS2 is Germany! A huge well done to these classes for consistent excellent attendance. 

Bingo Homework

Jessiah (Morocco), Elliot, Hazel, Stephen , Darcy, Augustus, Paula, Arlo, Maeve, Freddie, Gabriel, Dawud, Azara (St Lucia), Alma, Theo, Samson, Holly, Jaxson-Bridge, Georgia, Madhav, Maaz, Lilith, Vivaan, Kaisan, Maxim (Fiji)Harry, Milena, Shawaiz, Rayne, David, Naomi, Logan, Nikole & Varnika (Scotland) Ria, Domas, Ignacy, David, Mikel (USA) Nuhaa (Mexico) Moksha (Mexico), Sidrah, Amy (Canada), Daniel (Northern Ireland), Phoebe, Anastasia, Flourish, Andrei, Halianna, Leonela, Erica, Nisin, Sophie, Jordan, Andrei (Madagascar), Adriana, Kavi ,Milena (Spain), Abdullah, Amelia, Rosie, Buddy, Sophie,Rishi, Tommy H,Gemma (Kenya), Eisa, Oliver, Roman, Havana, Louie, Robyn, Vladimir, Sarajane (Antigua) 

15 Books Certificates

Vanika & Sid (Scotland), Albie (New Zealand), Aiza (Morocco), Jaxon, Aahil, Aren (Palau), Poppy, Sophie, Nisin (Madagascar)

Malta Star of the Week

Congratulations to Freddie who is awarded Malta Star of the Week for becoming more confident at using a number line to support his understanding of subtraction!

Star Writer Certificates

These children have excelled with their writing this week. Well done to Jake (England), JJ (Wales), Maeve (St Lucia), Savannah (Fiji), Caitlin (New Zealand), Chloe (Scotland), Oliver (Malaysia), Logan (USA), Gabriel (Mexico), Samhita (Brazil), Nifemi, Esmay, Princess, Emma and Aaliyah (Morocco), Sara (Northern Ireland), Natalia, Grace (Canada), Albi (Greece), Shree (Germany), Hezekiah (Kenya), Jenson (Italy),  Freya (Palau), Gabriel (Mexico), Izabel (Egypt) Andrei (Madagascar) Rita (Jamaica), Vinnie (Spain), Majus (China), Mickey-Ray (India), Gabriel (Antigua)

Star Reader Certificates

These children have worked really hard on their reading this week. Well done to Amy (England), Abrielle (St Lucia), Gracie-May (Fiji), James (New Zealand), Nuftalem (Scotland), Azrah (Wales), Zuzanna (USA), Amira (Malaysia) Ianis (Mexico), Leon(Morocco), Milena (Northern Ireland), Hollie (Canada), Ruby (Greece), Hayden (Germany), Sky (Italy), Aahil (Palau),  Ianis (Mexico), Besa (Kenya), Dennis (Egypt) Daniel, (Madagascar) Stephanie (Jamaica), Maria (China), Teddy (India), Aleem (Spain), Jorgie (Antigua) 

Star Mathematician Certificates

These children have enjoyed a fantastic week with their maths. Well done to Penelope (England), Elliot (St Lucia), Kaiyan (Fiji), Teddy (New Zealand), Varnika (Scotland), Robbie (Malaysia), Max (Wales) Lavinia Stanley(Mexico) (USA), Amaan (Brazil) , Zoya (Morocco), Lucian (Northern Ireland), Amy (Canada), Kamil (Greece), Camelia (Germany),            Kevin (Mexico), Lexi (Mexico), Noah (Mexico) Coby (Mexico), Sofia J (Palau), Sophie (Egypt), Albert (Madagascar) Nina (Jamaica), Kane (China), Charlotte (India) Amelia (Italy),Adriana (Spain) =, Robyn (Antigua) 

Achievement  Certificates 

These children have earned 20 Achievement points and are on their way to the Mead Roll of Honour. Well done to Jaxson-Bridge, Savannah (Fiji), Aayan, Eduard, Paulina, Halimah, Amaliah, Keeley (Malaysia), Aiza,Ifra and Esmay (Morocco). Stefan, Leo, Sara, Noura and Sydney (Northern Ireland), Poppy, Lexi (Canada), Donatela (Kenya),  Keyaan, Richards (Palau), Izabel, Beau and Caine (Egypt), Maria (China), Jett, Lils, Mickey-Ray, Diamond, Tyler, Maryam, Maathumai (India), Faith, Milena & Aayan (Spain)

Mathletics Award

Bronze certificate

Ethan (England), Enki (Scotland) Mikel (USA), Michael D (Northern Ireland) Summer (Palau), Riley, Olivia (Kenya), Ruby (Greece), Dennie (Spain)

Silver certificate

Ved (New Zealand), Isha, Sid, David &Nikole (Scotland), Grace (Canada), Alessia (Northern Ireland), Stephanie, Amari (Greece), Mahir (Italy), Jacob (Spain)

Gold Certificate

Dawood, Yasmin (England), David (Wales), Samson (Fiji), Jamarb (New Zealand), Darius (Mexico), Jason (Brazil), Shay(Canada), Daniel and Sydney (Northern Ireland), Finn (Egypt), Akshara (Kenya), Daniel, Brody, Sophie (Madagascar), Zara (Morocco), Amelia, Zelda (Germany), Gabriel (Italy)

Platinum Certificate 

Jake, Lilly, Olivia (England), Azrah, Alicia, Khadijah & Ethan (Wales), Maaz, Jaxson-Bridge (Fiji), Luke, Sebastian, James (New Zealand), Katy (Scotland) Zuzanna (USA) Nuhaa (Mexico), Ustym (Canada), Sara, Matas and Milena (Northern Ireland), Sebastian (Egypt), Yani, Aahil, Artem, Elhan (Palau), Buddy, Akshara, Besa (Kenya), Andrei G, David (Madagascar), Zoya, Denizhan (Morocco), Domas, Emilia (Italy) Justas, Cat (Italy) Victoria (Spain)

Emerald Certificate

Amy (England), Albert (Wales), Vivaan, Thomas, Sofia, Maxim, Georgia (Fiji), Emma (New Zealand), Milena (Scotland) David, Amber (USA), Alex (Egypt), Adrian (Palau), Sophie (Kenya), Ahmet, Lenny, Akhila, Elena, Sara, Zakariya, Tadei(Italy) Rayan A, Rayan S (Spain)

Diamond Certificate

Aum (USA), Stefan (Northern Ireland)Sebastian (Greece)

Golden Certificate

Congratulations to these children who have been awarded a Golden Certificate as they have made exceptionally good choices linked to The Mead Creed. These certificates are not easy to get so very well done to this week’s winners!

St Lucia (YR)


Antigua (YR)


Jamaica (YR)

New Zealand (Y1)


Palau (Y1)


Fiji (Y1)


Madagascar (Y2)

Anas and Sofia

Morocco (Y2)

Gracie Mae

Kenya (Y2)


Egypt (Y2)

Rian and Isabelle

Scotland (Y3)


Wales (Y3)


Northern Ireland (Y3)

Northern Ireland

England (Y3)


Italy (Y4)

Italy Class 

Greece (Y4)

Greece Class

Spain (Y4)


Germany (Y4)


Brazil (Y5)

Brazil Class 

Canada (Y5)

Canada Class

Mexico (Y5)

Mexico Class

USA (Y5)


2. USA class

China (Y6)


Malaysia (Y6)


India (Y6)
