Friday, 27 September 2024

Mathletics in year 3 (27.9.24)

Well done to the children in year 3 that have earned themselves a Mathletics certificate.


Northern Ireland Marble Jar Reward (27.9.24)

 Northern Ireland have filled up their Marble Jar. We decided to have some fun participating in different 'Just Dances'.

Marvellous Maths in year 3.

 The children in year 3 have been working hard in maths this week. We have continued to look at place value. The use of different resources has helped us in finding 1, 10 and 100 more as well as 1, 10 and 100 less in 3-digit numbers. Well done year 3.

Years 1, 2 and 3 Celebration Assembly (27.9.24)

 Well done to all the children in years 1, 2 and 3 that have received a certificate this week.

Year Five Celebration Assembly certificates

 Well done to these amazing children in Year Five who have been awarded certificates for their excellent behaviour and attitude towards learning.

Egypt Class Attendance-opoly


Egypt Class enjoyed playing board games this afternoon as a reward for amazing attendance last week! The children absolutely loved playing a variety of games and showed brilliant turn-taking! We’re so proud of Egypt Class for their amazing efforts. Keep up the great work, and let’s keep aiming for great attendance every week! 🎉

Year 4 Spellings - Week 3

 Group 1 - 











Group 2 - Miss Smith

The sound /s/ spelt ‘c’ before e, I and y











Spelling test will be on Friday 4th October 2024

Y5 Sarasponda

This week, year 5 learned a song called ’’ Sarasponda''.

''Sarasponda is a spinning song and recalls the regular and repeated motion of a spinning wheel. The children used claves to play rhythmic ostinato to the music. 

Watch Canda class enjoying their performance.

Thursday, 26 September 2024

Year 4 Homework Bingo

 Autumn 1 Homework Bingo

The homework Bingo for Autumn 1 has been attached here. If you complete an activity and have any pictures to show you can add them onto the Year 4 Google Classroom Page.

We look forward to seeing all of your hard work. 

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Y2 Music

Year 2 children have been learning about pulse and rhythm. They are very confident at moving in time to music and love clapping different rhythms. Look at them composing their own patterns consisting of minims, crotchets and quavers. 

Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Year 1 Outer Space Drama Workshop!

We were very pleased to receive a visit from Perform on Tuesday 24th September. The children had a wonderful time exploring the theme of Outer Space and using drama, dance and singing to help develop their confidence, concentration and social skills. We went on a mission to space to defeat the evil alien. Your child should have come home with a leaflet with information on drama clubs that they can join and learn to develop their acting skills. 

Amazing Maths in Year One!

 We have been working very hard in maths in Year one and the children have all been excited to show off their amazing knowledge. We have worked on place value within 10 with a focus on sorting objects into groups. The children enjoyed sorting the shells into different groups according to their size or colour. Next, we focused on finding one more and one less than any given number. Finally, our most recent learning has been comparing numbers and using the vocabulary greater than, less than and equals to. Well done Year 1! 😀