Monday, 30 May 2022

Our butterflies take flight....

 Our very hungry caterpillars have changed into beautiful butterflies.

The children have been growing their very own butterflies, they have been very patient and observed them going through their lifecycle.  Once they had emerged from their chrysalis we had to wait for their wings to be strong enough to be released.  The children were very excited to see them fly but also a little sad as they had really enjoyed observing them over time.  


St Lucia


The children all waved goodbye as the butterflies went on their next adventure.

Saturday, 28 May 2022

Year One celebrate the Platinum Jubilee

 Year One have had great fun preparing for and celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.  They created bunting to decorate the school, wrote invitations and made Union flags to wave at the party, as well as making their own jewelled crowns to wear.  The children also planned and wrote their own version of the story The Queen's Hat by Steve Antony.  In their stories the Queen visited Mead and when her hat blew away the children chased it around the school before finding it on either Ms Holmes', Mrs Pidgeon's or Fred's head!!!  At the party the children gave a great rendition of Reach by S Club Seven and enjoyed watching all of the other year groups perform their songs.  The sunny afternoon celebrations ended with cake - a perfect day!

Friday, 27 May 2022

Jubilee celebrations in Year 2

 Year 2 have been celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee this week and the children have completed lots of activities related to the Queen and the 1990s, which is the decade we have been learning about. They have created a royal family tree, wrote poems about the Queen, made decorations, flags and hats, decorated biscuits and learnt a 90s song and created their own dance to it. 

Well done Year 2 we hope you have had fun and we hope you have a great time celebrating this occasion with your families.

USA Jubilee Week

 USA have had a wonderful jubilee week celebrating the 60s. We have made a blowfootball pitch to recognise the achievements of the 66 football team and some art pictures of the queen.

Jubilee Celebrations in Year 4!

 Jubilee Celebrations in Year 4!

Year 4 had a fantastic week celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee! We were given the 70s as our decade to focus on and took part in a range of activities including: 70s fact file and fashion design, Union Jack collage, learning a song and dance to 'We Will Rock You' by Queen, making cheese straws and making paper crown crafts!

Malta Class Jubilee Party

A lovely afternoon in the sunshine to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. The children had made all of the bunting, flags and crowns in activities during the week supporting their fine motor skills and developing their listening and understanding.
'We had a nice party', said Joseph enthusiastically.

Weekly Newsletter - 27/05/22- Important Information


Friday 27th May 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

This half term has gone by incredibly quickly! This week the children have enjoyed learning about the Queen's reign through the decades. This afternoon they have entertained us with songs and dances from each decade. All of the children have approached this week with enthusiasm and have showcased their creativity.

Take a look at some of our amazing work on blogger

Parent Hub

In addition to the Parent Partnership Meetings that we have held this year, we are keen to establish a Parent Hub to increase communication, provide further opportunities for all of our children and offer support to our community in the best possible way. I would like to invite parents and carers to attend a forum to discuss how this will best work for the whole school community and get a feeling for the number of people who would like to be involved. Please join me on Monday 27th June at 9am in the KS2 Hall.


As a school we are hearing almost daily from neighbours, parents and carers about those who are driving at speed, parking across driveways and, most recently, damaging property. Poor parking decreases the view for pedestrians and excessive speeds put lives in danger. I please urge you all to consider parking further away from the school grounds and walking where possible to reduce the dangers. We all have a responsibility to ensure the safety of our children, please play your part.

Sports Days

Please see below for the sports day and times for each year group. Please ensure that all children have their full PE kit in school on these days. We look forward to seeing you there.


Dates and Times to be shared separately with parents


Friday 1st July 


Year 1

Friday 8th July


Year 2

Friday 8th July



Thursday 7th July 


Year 3

Thursday 7th July


Year 4

Wednesday 6th July 


Year 5

Tuesday 5th July


Year 6 

Monday 4th July


Food Bank Donations

We are delighted to be supporting the local food bank and will be collecting donations throughout the summer term. Donations will be collected each Friday. If you are able to donate any items (no beans please) you will be able to drop off at the School Office or send in with your child. All donations will be gratefully received.
Key Information and dates

School Ping

Squid login

Havering Catering Lunch Menu

Friday 27th May Break up for May Half Term

Monday 6th June INSET Day- School closed to Pupils

Tuesday 7th June Return to school (8:30am)

Thursday 23rd June New Reception Intake Meeting 5pm

Thursday 30th June Parent Partnership Meeting in KS2 Hall at 9am (Understanding SEN)

Friday 15th July End of Year Reports sent home

Monday 18th July Parents Open Afternoon ( 3.10pm )

Thursday 21st July Last Day of School Year

Monday 5th September Return to school (8.30am) Dates for New Reception Intake will follow.

Have a wonderful half term. We look forward to hearing all about your Jubilee celebrations when we return on Tuesday 7th June.

Yours sincerely,

Ms A Holmes

Head of School

Celebration Awards


Achievement Certificates

Well done to this week’s Achievement Certificate winners who are Ella, Janvi and Ignacy (Egypt), Rhiya (Wales), Elda and Vilte (Northern Ireland), Nathan K, (Australia), Lenny (Germany) and Rosie (Fiji).

Malta’s Star of the Week

Many congratulations to Gracie who has been awarded Malta’s Star of the Week for attempting to name some shapes.

Star Writer Certificates

These children have excelled with their writing this week. Well done to Renesmee (Wales), Ronnie & Kadisha (India), Kaden (Northern Ireland), Skyla-Mai (Barbados), Deja (Palau), Karl (Kenya), Chloe (Antigua), Kelsie (Fiji),Hollie(Madagascar) , Ja’c (St Lucia) , Robert (Egypt), Jessica, David D and Izabella (Australia), Paige (Greece), Bogdan (Italy), Rayan (Singapore), Jared (Germany), Faaiz (China), Layla-Mai (Mexico) Akhila and Amelia H (New Zealand), Joey (USA), Tommy C (Brazil) and Macie-Leigh (Malaysia).

Star Reader Certificates

These children have worked really hard on their reading this week. Well done to Anete (Wales), Afnan (India), Elda (Northern Ireland), Noura (Barbados) Maryam (Kenya), Aliyah (Antigua), Leya, Lily(Madagascar), Leo (St Lucia), Lillie (Fiji), Harvey (Palau), Sandra (Egypt), Reggie (Australia), Destini (Greece), Millie (Italy), Georgia (Singapore), James (Germany), Summer (China), Frankie (Mexico), Amira (New Zealand), Billy, Nathan. Sarah (USA), Remi (Brazil) and Lenny (Malaysia).

Star Mathematician Certificates

These children have enjoyed a fantastic week with their maths. Well done to Indigo (Wales), Olivia (India), Cristian (Northern Ireland), Chelsea and Bobby (Barbados), Amirah (Palau), Andrew (Kenya), Grace (Antigua), Zach (Fiji), All of St Lucia, Samir(Madagascar). Biddy (Egypt), Sky (Australia), Haydar (Greece)Zachary (Italy), Helena (Singapore), Archie (Germany), Toby (China), Harry (Mexico), Oguzcan (New Zealand), Ellie, Ashantaye (USA), Simeon (Brazil) and Tia (Malaysia).

Mathletics Award

Bronze certificate

Nancy, David T, Kavi, Adriana, Nathan K and Jessica (Australia), Sidrah, Amy, Janvi, Dora and Zuzanna (Egypt), Kaden and Antony (Northern Ireland), Azrah, Alicia, Daniel, Albert, Dawood, Sara, Ethan, David, Jake and Rayne (Barbados)Evie and Lavinia (Antigua), Domas, Zelda, Emilia, Sebastian and Kamil (Palau) Henry, Oguzcan, Lenny L, Lenny M, Nubian (New Zealand), Arsalaan, Nuhaa, Izyan, Mia (Kenya), Ender, Zakariya, Victoria, Manha (Fiji), Malakai, Grace, Aum, Leya(Madagascar), Jacob and Jokubas (Germany), Bogdan, Max, Riley, Olivia, Sophia, Sienna, Zachary (Italy), David, Michael N and Riley (Greece), Suljeman (China), Olivia, Afnan (India), Zahi, Jack (Singapore) and Dinkuki (Malaysia)

Silver certificate

Nancy, David T and Kavi (Australia), India (Egypt), Sara and David (Barbados), Zakariya and Manha (Fiji), Evie and Lavinia (Antigua, Hollie(Madagascar), Kamil (Palau), Riley (Italy) and Dinkuki (Malaysia)

Gold certificate

Nancy and David T (Australia), Sara (Barbados), Lavinia (Antigua, Shay(Madagascar) and Dinkuki (Malaysia)

Golden Certificate

Congratulations to these children who have been awarded a Golden Certificate as they have made exceptionally good choices linked to The Mead Creed. These certificates are not easy to get so very well done to this week’s winners!

Barbados (YR)

St Lucia (YR)

Antigua (YR)

Yousif, Lavinia, Vinny, Ava, Isaiah

New Zealand (Y1)

All of New Zealand class

Palau (Y1)

All of Palau class

Fiji (Y1)

All of Fiji class!

Australia (Y1)


Madagascar (Y2)


Kenya (Y2)


Egypt (Y2)


Scotland (Y3)

Wales (Y3)

Sadie, Izampela, Alesha

Northern Ireland (Y3)

Anna, Samuel, Amaliah, Nevaeh. Joni

Italy (Y4)

Dev, Eva-Rae

Greece (Y4)

Bailey, Jake, Gabriel and Michelle

Germany (Y4)

Leonard, Chloe

Brazil (Y5)

Jasmine, Kajus, Lukas

Mexico (Y5)

Alexander, Ali, Harley 

USA (Y5)

Katie, Stephen, Megan

India (Y6)

Brea, Alfie, Logan, Freddie

China (Y6)


Malaysia (Y6)

Tyler, Maicie-Leigh, Shomari

Singapore (Y6)

Jolin, Jack, Austeja, Felicity


Well done to Fiji, Malta, India and Greece who all met their attendance target and were able to roll the dice!

Congratulations to everyone who achieved an award this week, we are very proud of you!

Year 4 Mathletics Certificates!

 Year 4 Mathletics Certificates!

A huge well done to these children in year 4, who have continued to work hard on Mathletics at home. We look forward to celebrating more hard work after half term!