Friday, 29 April 2022

Year One are TV Chefs!!!

As part of their 'Healthy Me' PSHE topic, the children have had lots of fun learning about different fruits and vegetables.  They tasted some strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, grapes, baby corn, cucumber, red and green peppers and tomatoes.  Lots of the children tried things they hadn't had before and mostly enjoyed them!  In D and T the children designed their own fruit salad recipe for a restaurant before making and eating their creation.  They also used iPads to film each other, making a YouTube style video as part of the computing unit 'We are TV Chefs'.  Well done year one - you have been working so hard.


Year 4 Mathletics Certificates!

 Year 4 Mathletics Certificates!

Well done to these year 4 children for working hard on Mathletics at home. Keep up the good work!

Weekly Newsletter - 29/04/22- Important Information


Dear Parents and Carers,

End of School Day

Now that the weather is improving we have noticed that more children are staying on the KS2 playground and field a long time after school has finished. It is important that all children and parents leave the school premises promptly at the end of the day and after collecting children from clubs.

Eid Celebration

Next week, we will be celebrating Eid, which marks the end of Ramadan, with all of our pupils. On Tuesday all children will participate in an assembly to learn more about Eid and the traditions that surround the festival. As part of our learning we are asking that all children and staff dress in bright colours on Friday 6th May. This is not a fundraising event.

Sunglasses and Sunscreen

Please ensure that your child does not bring sunglasses into school or wear on the top of their head as an accessory. If your child needs to wear sunglasses due to medical reasons please send in a note explaining the medical needs to the office. A sunhat can be worn at breaktimes and lunchtimes to shield the children from the sun. Sunscreen should be applied before school. Should your child have any additional medical needs relating to warmer weather, please ensure a member of staff is made aware.

Absence Reporting

It is extremely important that the office is made aware of any pupil absences on the day of the absence. You can phone the school office and report an absence on the Absence Hotline, email or report via the school website Reporting Absence. When absence isn’t reported or when additional information is needed Mrs Adams will make contact with you by telephone. Where contact cannot be made, home visits may take place.

Key Information and dates

School Ping

Squid login

Havering Catering Lunch Menu

Thursday 5th May School Closed-Polling Day

9th -12th May Year 6 SATs Week

Wednesday 18th May Parent Partnership Meeting in KS2 Hall at 9am (Uniform and Homework)

Friday 27th May Break up for May Half Term

Monday 6th June Return to school (8:30am)

Thursday 30th June Parent Partnership Meeting in KS2 Hall at 9am (Understanding SEN)

Yours sincerely,

Ms A Holmes

Head of School

Celebration Awards


Achievement Certificates

Well done to this week’s Achievement Certificate winners who are Darius, Domas, Sidiq, Shayan, India and Sidrah (Egypt) Ianis (Kenya), Amen (Northern Ireland), Avyukt, Visha, Andrey, Poppy, Aum, Amelia(Madagascar) and Junior (Greece).

Malta’s Star of the Week

Many congratulations to Gabby who has been awarded Malta’s Star of the Week for sitting well in Bucket Time.

Star Writer Certificates

These children have excelled with their writing this week. Well done to Kelvin (Kenya), Samuel (Northern Ireland), Ian (Mexico), George (India), Shayan (Egypt), Nikole (Barbados), Lily, (Australia), Isaiah (Antigua), Olivia (St Lucia), Grace(Madagascar), Dennie(Palau), Indigo (Wales), Roberto (Greece), Kali (Singapore), Rose (Germany), Amari (Fiji), Freddie (New Zealand), Benjamin (Malaysia), Vansh (USA), Sade (China) and Sofia (Brazil).

Star Reader Certificates

These children have worked really hard on their reading this week. Well done to Coby (Egypt) Stanley (Kenya), Oliver (Northern Ireland), Carter (Mexico), Freddie (India), Ellie-Maie (Germany), Ella (Barbados), Adriana (Australia), Lavinia (Antigua), Kimberley (St Lucia), Esther(Madgascar), Ezra (Palau), Hazel (Wales), Destini (Greece), River (Singapore), Dev (Iraly), Leo (Fiji), Leo (New Zealand), Matvejs (Malaysia), Jason (USA), Summer and Kezrae (China) and Lukas (Brazil).

Star Mathematician Certificates

These children have enjoyed a fantastic week with their maths. Well done to Mekhi (Kenya), Zaydh (Northern Ireland), Lily (Mexico), Ellie-Mai (India), Bobby (Germany), Aryian and Sapphire (Barbados), Lorena(Madagascar), Zuzanna (Egypt), Sai and Aleeza (Australia), Dragos (Antigua), Stefan (St Lucia), Jeremiah (Palau), Frankie (Wales), Elena (Greece), Georgia (Singapore), Arwyn (Italy), Ella (Fiji), Livi (New Zealand), Tyler (Malaysia), Megan (USA), Marcel (China) and Yazmina (Brazil).

Mathletics Award

Bronze certificate

Sidrah, Amy, Ria, India, Sandra, Donovan, Ignacy, Janvi, Daniel and Zuzanna (Egypt) Nuhaa, Mia, Taha (Kenya), Azrah, Albert, Dawood, Ethan, Isla (Barbados), Kaden and Samuel (Northern Ireland), Adam (Mexico), Jacob, Tehzeeb, Jokubas (Germany), Esther, Malakai, Grace, Aum, Logan, Shay(Madagascar), Joanna, Jessica, Nathan K, David T and Kavi (Australia), Evie and lavinia (Antigua), Maryam (Wales), David, Michael N and Riley (Greece), Domas, Zofia, Emilia and Sebastian (Palaua),Bogdan, Max, Olivia, Sophia, Riley, Bentley and Zachary (Italy) Rayan, Ayaan, Manha, Victoria and Skyla (Fiji) Oguzcan, Lenny M and Akhila (New Zealand) and Kajus (USA).

Silver certificate

Dora and Amber (Egypt) Nuhaa (Kenya), Azrah (Barbados), Leya(Madagascar), Bogdan and Max (Italy), Skyla and Victoria (Fiji)

Gold certificate

Azrah (Barbados)and Isla.

Golden Certificate

Congratulations to these children who have been awarded a Golden Certificate as they have made exceptionally good choices linked to The Mead Creed. These certificates are not easy to get so very well done to this week’s winners!

Barbados (YR)

Daniel, Zion, Chelsea and Azrah

St Lucia (YR)

Jose, Kimberley, Leo, Ruby-Lea, Kevin & Harry

Antigua (YR)


New Zealand (Y1)


Palau (Y1)


Fiji (Y1)


Australia (Y1)


Madagascar (Y2)


Kenya (Y2)


Egypt (Y2)

Lexi, Sidiq and Jacob

Scotland (Y3)

Wales (Y3)

CHarlotte, Ugo, Tyler

Northern Ireland (Y3)

Honey & Anna

Italy (Y4)


Greece (Y4)

Leo, Seiar and Gabriel 

Germany (Y4)

Jaion, Ellie-Maie, Bobby, Summer

Brazil (Y5)

Lexi and Frankie

Mexico (Y5)

Wadi, Harry, Frankie, Francesca and Aronas

USA (Y5)

Nathan, Mariama

India (Y6)

Bella, Alishba, Olivia

China (Y6)


Malaysia (Y6)

Brooke D, Tyler, Louisa, Emily, Macie-Leigh, Ian, Melisa

Singapore (Y6)

Preston, Rayan, Mya, Jack


Well done to those who met their attendance target and were able to roll the dice!

Congratulations to everyone who achieved an award this week, we are very proud of you!

Thursday, 28 April 2022

Year 3 - Forest School - Week 1

It’s always great to start forest school with a new group. This afternoon was the turn of a new group of Year 3 students. They loved seeing the forest and exploring the area as they played hide and move. They made the most of the freshly grown cows parsley to hide in. We thought about staying safe at forest school and used red triangles to warn each other of dangers or to protect nature, such as the bluebells. We found a dead badger, this fascinated and upset some of the students but they looked and observed how it had hidden away under the tree. We finished up with some forest bathing and we can’t wait to be back again next week.

Friday, 22 April 2022

Weekly Newsletter- 22/04/22- Important Information


Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to school. I hope that you were able to enjoy some time with friends and family over the Easter break. The children have jumped straight back into learning this week and have been really engaged which is a great start to the Summer term.

Uniform Policy

Before half term, the updated uniform policy was shared with all parents and carers. Thank you to those who have asked questions and sought clarification on a few areas. This is a phased introduction and we hope that this is in place by April 2023 and therefore you do not need to purchase new items immediately. We would like to offer parents and carers the opportunity to share and ask questions regarding the uniform policy in our next Parent Partnership Meeting on Wednesday 18th May @9am in the KS2 Hall. We hope you will be able to join us.

Ukraine Appeal

Thanks to your generous donations we have raised a total of £632.66.



Mathletics Achievment- Well done!

We are celebrating an amazing achievement for Maximilian in year 4 who achieved 2nd place in the UK for World Math Day 2022. After scoring the second highest points on Mathletics he was awarded this trophy in assembly today!

We are so proud of you!


Polling Day

On Thursday 5th May, Mead will be used as a polling station to allow the local community to vote for the London local elections 2022. This will mean that school is closed to all pupils. School will re-open to all children on Friday 6th May.

Absence Reporting

It is extremely important that the office is made aware of any pupil absences on the day of the absence. You can phone the school office and report an absence on the Absence Hotline, email or report via the school website Reporting Absence. When absence isn’t reported or when additional information is needed Mrs Adams will make contact with you by telephone. Where contact cannot be made, home visits may take place.
Key Information and dates

School Ping

Squid login

Havering Catering Lunch Menu

Thursday 5th May - School Closed-Polling Day

9th -12th May - Year 6 SATs Week

Wednesday 18th May - Parent Partnership Meeting in KS2 Hall at 9am (Forum)

Friday 27th May - Break up for May Half Term

Monday 6th June Return to school (8:30am)

Thursday 30th June - Parent Partnership Meeting in KS2 Hall at 9am (Understanding SEN)

Yours sincerely,

Ms A Holmes

Head of School

Celebration Awards


Achievement Certificates

Well done to this week’s Achievement Certificate winners who are Charley, Nuhaa, Arsalaan, Karl, Amaan, Kelvin, Alexa, Mia, Stanley, Taha, Kajus and Maisy (Kenya) and Stephanie (Australia).

Malta’s Star of the Week

Many congratulations to Joseph who has been awarded Malta’s Star of the Week for his excellent spelling.

Star Writer Certificates

These children have excelled with their writing this week. Well done to Maisy (Kenya) Daisy-Rose (Egypt), Vilte (Northern Ireland), Dawood (Barbados), Olivia (India), Talula (Antigua), David D (Australia), Marley (Fiji), Jose, Kevin, Umer, Latisha and Loris (St Lucia), Victoria (Germany), Charlie (Palau), Shay(Madagascar), Seiar (Greece), Levi (Wales), Nicole (China), Eric (New Zealand), Alixis and Zachary (Italy), Teddy (Malaysia), Sofia (Brazil), Tegan (Mexico) and Lilly (USA).

Star Reader Certificates

These children have worked really hard on their reading this week. Well done to Angelo (Kenya), Janvi (Egypt), Honey (Northern Ireland), Albert (Barbados), Dorothy (India), Yousif (Antigua), Nancy (Australia), Manha (Fiji), Nevaeh and Dylan (St Lucia). Oghomwen (Germany), Ruby (Palau), Leya (Madagascar), Ivan (Greece), Gracie (Wales), Dollie (China), Dennis (Italy), Evelyn (New Zealand), Olivia-Rose (USA), Frankie (Mexico), Charlotte (Brazil) and Brooke D (Malaysia).

Star Mathematician Certificates

These children have enjoyed a fantastic week with their maths. Well done to Lorienne (Kenya), Daniel (Egypt), Jessie (Northern Ireland), Nikole (Barbados), Alfie (India), Amy (Antigua), Sienna (Australia), Parisha and Nevaeh (St Lucia), Oscar (Fiji), Summer (Germany), Ella (Palau), Leona(Madagascar), all of the children in Singapore who took part in the pre-trial Key Stage 2 tests on Wednesday, Gabriel (Greece), Sadie (Wales), Lennon (China), Sophie (New Zealand), Elizabelle (Italy), Rianne (Brazil), Olivia (USA), Manvik (Mexico) and Louisa (Malaysia).

Mathletics Award

Bronze certificate

Arsalaan, Roman G, Izyan, Mia, Lucille, Taha, Moksha, Nuhaa and Emma (Kenya), Sidrah, Ria, India, Ignacy, Daniel, Dora, Amber and Ella (Egypt), Vlad, Elda, David and Kaden (Northern Ireland), Azrah,Alicia, Albert, Dawood, Isla, Sara, Ethan, David (Barbados), Evie, Amy, Lavinia (Antigua) Justas, Isla, Evelyn, Lenny M  (New Zealand), Jessica, Nathan K, David T, Joanna, Stephanie and Mahir (Australia), Rayan, Ender, Kelsie, Sethika, Ayaan, Zakariya, Victoria, Lillie and Manha (Fiji), Evie, Jacob, Tilly, Jared (Germany), Sebastian, Olivia, Domas, Zelda and Emilia  (Palau),Esther, Samir, Grace, Hollie, Andrey, Avyukt,Taylor, Aum, Leya(Madagascar), Gabriel, Michael N and Natas (Greece), David Al, Bogdan,Max, Sophia, Dev, Sienna (Italy), Amber (Scotland) Nicole, Lexi, Daisy, Jasmine, Sofia, Dianna (Brazil), Anastasia, Kajus, Olivia-Rose, Vansh, LOuie (USA), Daniel and Suljeman (China), Olivia (India), Tia, Hayden and Rehan (Malaysia), Zahi and Jack (Singapore).

Silver certificate

Arsalaan and Roman G (Kenya), Amy and Janvi (Egypt), Kaden (Northern Ireland), Alicia, Sara, Ethan (Barbados), Evie, Lavinia (Antigua) Callum, Oguzcan, Amelia H, Akhila and Rayan (New Zealand), Jessica, Nathan K and David T (Australia), Lillie and Manha (Fiji), Jacob (Germany), Sebastian (Palau), Visha and Aum(Madagascar), Maryam (Wales)Daisy, Jasmine (Brazil), Kajus (USA), Hayden and Rehan (Malaysia).

Gold certificate

Arsalaan (Kenya), Donovan (Egypt), Kaden (Northern Ireland), Jessica (Australia), Manha (Fiji) and Kajus (USA).

Golden Certificate

Congratulations to these children who have been awarded a Golden Certificate as they have made exceptionally good choices linked to The Mead Creed. These certificates are not easy to get so very well done to this week’s winners!

Antigua (YR)


New Zealand (Y1)


Palau (Y1)

Fiji (Y1)

Australia (Y1)


Madagascar (Y2)


Kenya (Y2)


Egypt (Y2)


Scotland (Y3)

Wales (Y3)

Alesha, Levi, Mickey-Ray, Joshua

Northern Ireland (Y3)

Saam and Scarlett

Italy (Y4)

Rio, Freddie and Elizabelle

Greece (Y4)

Luka and Riley

Germany (Y4)


Brazil (Y5)

Remi and Rosie

Mexico (Y5)

Caiden, Sohpie, Ordrey, Leo, Layla-Mai,

USA (Y5)

Ellie & Georgie-Mai (USA)

India (Y6)

Kadisha, Aaliyah, Gabriel

China (Y6)


Malaysia (Y6)


Singapore (Y6)

Jolin, Reuben


Well done to Scotland who met their attendance target before half term and were able to roll the dice!

Congratulations to everyone who achieved an award this week, we are very proud of you!