Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Mexico class editing

The children in Mexico class were able to work as a team to edit and improve their work. This improved the children’s confidence, their writing and their social and communication skills.

Monday, 28 March 2022

Year 6 Science

Last week Year 6 studied adaptation in their science lessons. They observed how animals adapt to their environments in order to survive. The children investigated how birds adapted their beaks to survive in their habitat based on their diet. Not only that, but children also designed their own unique animals with features to survive in their chosen habitat.

Year 3/4 girls football

 A huge well done to Mead's Year 3/4 girls football team.

After winning the Havering football tournament, the team were selected to represent Havering in the London Youth Games. The girls put up a very respectable showing against other boroughs within London and deserve to know just how proud we are of them.

Well done, everybody!

Year 6 Egg competition!

Dear Parents/carers, We would like Year 6 pupils to make an Easter egg creation for a competition. They need to use real eggs but please ensure that the inside of the egg has been removed. There will be prizes for the top 3 entrants. They need to bring their entries by Thursday 31st March. Children have been shown ideas of what they could create in class, and there are also ideas on their letters.

Friday, 25 March 2022

Year 4 Mathletics Certificates!

 Year 4 Mathletics Certificates!

A huge congratulations to these year 4 children who have earned certificates for working hard on Mathletics at home. Keep up the amazing work!

World Maths Day in Year 4!

 World Maths Day in Year 4!

On Wednesday, year 4 celebrated World Maths Day with a special party-planning maths lesson! The children planned games for the party, used their knowledge of 2D shapes to create a bird's-eye view floorplan, used multiplication and addition skills to create a budget for party food and used their knowledge of time to plan the duration of different activities! We really enjoyed discovering how maths could be used in the real world.

Year 2 -Trip to Langtons Park

What a great school trip Year 2 had this week! The children went to Langtons Park and they made the most of the wonderful weather we have had by picnicing in the grounds. This visit was an end to our Science work on 'living things and their habitats'.  The children explored the lake, pond, woodland and gardens and identified some of the living things that they found there. The children also fed the birds, went on a bug hunt, did some pond dipping, searched for leaves in the forest followed by having fun in the adventure area.
All the children were so well behaved and it was such a lovely experience. Their good behaviour was complimented by Lisa the Langtons Gardens Activities Officer.
Well done everyone!

"Can we go back" was echoed by so many of the children.

Weekly Newsletter - 25/03/22- Important Information


Dear Parents and Carers,

Havering Catering Services

Week beginning 28th March is week 1 on the Havering catering services menu. All meals are served with unlimited salad and vegetables and cost £2.30. Please be reminded that your child’s sQuid catering account should be topped up at all times. We cannot provide dinners for pupils whose account exceeds a debt of £10. If you are experiencing difficulties please contact Mrs Bruiners in the school office who will be able to provide you with support and assistance.

Price Increase: We have been informed by Havering catering services that with effect from the 1st April 2022 the price of a school dinner will increase to £2.37.


Unfortunately, we will be saying goodbye to two members of staff next Friday. Mrs Elliott (Scotland) is leaving our school to work closer to home. Mrs Elliot has been a valued member of our school team and we wish her the best of luck for the future. For the remainder of the school year, Miss Galpin and Mrs Hillyear will teach Scotland class. Mrs Richardson (Antigua) will also be leaving as she returns to University to retrain. We wish Mrs Richardson all the best. Mrs Glover will continue to teach Antigua class alongside Mrs Pidgeon who will teach for 2 days a week.

Parents Evening

Please be aware that your access to the Parents Evening times, on School Ping, will expire on Sunday. If you would still like to book a slot please respond to the message as soon as possible.

School opening times

We have noticed an increase in children arriving at school before 8:30am, some as early as 8am. Any children arriving at this time should be attending breakfast club or be supervised by parents or carers. If you would like any further information about Abacus breakfast club, please contact the school office.

Federation Sports

Federation Sports will be running during the Easter Holidays from 1st April to 14th April. To book a space please call 07989212771.

Key Information and dates

School Ping

Squid login

Havering Catering Lunch Menu

Monday 28th March Parents Evening

Tuesday 29th March Parents Evening

Wednesday 18th May Parent Partnership Meeting in KS2 Hall at 9am (Homework)

Thursday 30th June Parent Partnership Meeting in KS2 Hall at 9am (Understanding SEN)

Yours sincerely,

Ms A Holmes

Head of School

Year 6 Spellings 25.03.22

Here are the year 6 spellings. Children will be tested on Friday 1st April. Good luck :) signature* temperature* frequently* immediately* sincerely* achieve* amateur* average* awkward* bargain* bruise* category* controversy* definite* determined* develop*

Celebration Awards


Achievement Certificates

Well done to this week’s Achievement Certificate winners who are Daniel O (Scotland) and Visha (Madagascar).

Malta’s Star of the Week

Many congratulations to Jessica who has been awarded Malta’s Star of the Week for working hard this week.

Star Writer Certificates

These children have excelled with their writing this week. Well done to Nuhaa (Kenya), Freddie (Egypt), Alicia (Barbados), Lenny (Malaysia), Alexander (Mexico), Aayan (Northern Ireland), Kane (Scotland), Amelia (Palau), Zymal (Fiji), Michael (St Lucia), Seiar (Greece), David Al (Italy), Samhita (Madagascar), Yasmin and Barack (Antigua), Felicity (Singapore), Jamie (Australia), Kadisha (India), Jokubas (Germany) Tyler (New Zealand), Alesha (Wales), Demi-Bleu (China), Lileerae (USA) and Riddhi (Brazil).

Star Reader Certificates

These children have worked really hard on their reading this week. Well done to Moksha (Kenya), Sara (Barbados), Hayden (Malaysia), Wadi (Mexico), Millie (Northern Ireland), Ryan (Scotland), Yasmeen (Palau), Zach (Fiji), Harry (St Lucia), Sophia (Italy), David (Greece), Leoma(Madagascar), Rayya (Egypt), Dragos (Antigua), Rayan (Singapore), Sky (Australia), Ava (India), Oghomwen (Germany), Isla (New Zealand), Nicolae (Wales), Anastasia & Daniel (USA), Akunna (China) and Lexi (Brazil).

Star Mathematician Certificates

These children have enjoyed a fantastic week with their maths. Well done to Emilia (Kenya), Esther (Barbados), Ian and Taylor (Malaysia), Deimantas (Mexico), Anna (Northern Ireland), David (Scotland), Harvey (Palau), Riley (Fiji), Arnie (St Lucia), Millie (Greece), Max (Italy), Lyra(Madagascar), Lexi (Egypt), Liyana-Mae (Antigua), Riley (Singapore), Lily (Australia), Gabriel (India), Chloe (Germany) Callum (New Zealand), Jack (Wales), Leona (USA), Marcel (China) and Sofia (Brazil).

Mathletics Award

Bronze certificate

Nuhaa, Karl, Izyan, Emma, Roman G, Arsalaan and Taha (Kenya),  Sidrah, Amy, Izabela, Donovan, Ignacy, Dora, Zuzanna, Amber, Shayan and Ella (Egypt), Sara, Dawood, Albert, Rayne, Alicia, Azrah, Alicia, Noura, Ethan, David, Jake (Barbados), Vlad, Elda, Kaden and Samuel (Northern Ireland), Layla and Daniel K, Majus, Alex and Daniel R (Scotland), ZeldaOlivia, Domas, Zofia, Emilia and Sebastian (Palau), Amari, Zakariya, Manha, Skyla (Fiji), David, Haydar, Michael N and Ivan (Greece), Fareeda, Maximilian, Olivia and Sophia (Italy), Aisha, Logan. Isla, Grace, Leo, Avyukt Aum, Leya, Shay(Madagascar), Stephanie, Jessica, Nathan K, David T, Kavi and Mahir (Australia), Evie, Jacob, James, Jokubas, Tilly, Summer (Germany) Inaya, Henry, Justas, Oguzcan, Amelia H, Akhila and Rayan  (New Zealand) Mahir, Nicole, Charlotte, Rosie, Tommy C, Daisy, Dovydas, Dianna, Kajus, Sofia, Jasmine, Simeon and Riddhi (Brazil).

Silver certificate

Nuhaa, Karl (Kenya), Ria (Egypt), dawood (Barbados), Alex (Scotland), Zelda (Palau), Amari (Fiji) David (Greece), Sophia and Maximilian (Italy), Amelia (Madagascar), Jokubas, Tilly (Germany), Lenny M (New Zealand) Charlotte, Tommy C, Dovyda and, Riddhi (Brazil).

Gold certificate

Zelda (Palau), Maximilian and Sophia (Italy) and Andrey(Madagascar).

Golden Certificate

Congratulations to these children who have been awarded a Golden Certificate as they have made exceptionally good choices linked to The Mead Creed. These certificates are not easy to get so very well done to this week’s winners!

Antigua (YR)

New Zealand (Y1)


Palau (Y1)


Fiji (Y1)

Kelsie, Georgia, Ender and Zakariya

Australia (Y1)


Madagascar (Y2)

All Madagascar(Trip)

Kenya (Y2)


Egypt (Y2)

Donovan, Ria, Amy and Freddie

Scotland (Y3)

Daniel O, Daniel K, Daniel R, Ryan

Wales (Y3)

Frankie, Isabel, Teddy

Northern Ireland (Y3)


Italy (Y4)


Greece (Y4)

Germany (Y4)

Brazil (Y5)


Mexico (Y5)

Albert, Ava P, Ordrey and Caiden

USA (Y5)

Ashantaye, Joey, Anastasia 

India (Y6)

Ava, Millie-Rae, George, Dominik, Afnan, Harry

China (Y6)

Famata, Faaiz, Milana, Jaime, Toby, Summer

Malaysia (Y6)


Singapore (Y6)

Jolin, Reuben


Well done to Australia, Scotland, USA, Malaysia, Singapore and Malta who have met their attendance target and were able to roll the dice!
Congratulations to everyone who achieved an award this week, we are very proud of you!

Thursday, 24 March 2022

World Maths Day Fun in Year One

The children in year one had a great time celebrating World Maths Day yesterday.  They have been learning about measuring recently and spent time in the outside area consolidating their learning.  They used tape measures to measure the equipment and each other!  They also explored capacity and volume in the water area. 

Year 3 World Maths Day!

Year 3 made the most of the sunshine yesterday, getting outside to participate in fraction activities for World Maths Day! The children enjoyed activities as a whole year group, making halves and quarters with a range of natural materials such as leaves and sticks. It was a great opportunity to celebrate Maths and apply their fraction learning from the past two weeks - well done Year 3! A great time was had by all!