Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Dinner Menu for the week beginning 19th April

After Easter Havering Catering services will resume their three meal options.

It is starting on week one.

Once the catering website is updated, Mead will share the whole menu on all social media sites.

Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Monday, 29 March 2021

Year 2 have had visitors!

Year 2 had a special delivery on the 15th March. An incubator and eggs arrived as part of the Living Eggs project.  The children excitedly waited in anticipation until our first arrival hatched on Wednesday the 17th shortly followed by the other chicks. 

The children have had an amazing time linking their work to the chicks as well as getting close to them and caring for them.

They have wrote about the life cycle of a hen, written poems using alliteration and similes as well as taking and editing photos of these cute little chicks. 
Sadly we had to say goodbye to them on Friday as they were returned to the farm.


Friday, 26 March 2021

Malta Class Awards

Well done to Noah and Gabriel for earning the E for Excellence certificate and to Jacob and Joseph for their improved handwriting. Keep up the good work.

Year 2 Awards

 Year 2 had another successful week this week and lots of certificates have been awarded. 

Well done to our Star writers: Mohammad(Madagascar), Indigo(Egypt) and Vilte(Kenya).

Well done to Keeley(Madagascar), Ugo(Egypt) and Anna(Kenya) who have excelled and have been awarded the E for Excellence award.


Well done to the children who have completed their trackers.

Well done to our WOW certificate winners.

Well done to Anete(Egypt) for achieving her bookmark.

Well done to Anete(Egypt) Maria and Layla(Madagascar) for being awarded the handwriting certificate for their lovely handwriting and presentation.

Well done to Majus(Madagascar) for achieving the Resilience certificate.

We are so proud of you all.  Well done!

Year 1 Awards

Year One have had another successful week!

Well done to Lyra in Australia class who received her bronze reading award for reading 25 books.

Shay in Australia received his silver reading award this week for reading 50 books.

Well done to Robert, Amber, Sidrah and Ria in New Zealand, Logan, Gracie, Ralph and Leya in Australia and Ianis, Porsha, Roman E, Maryam, Angelo, Roman G, Kajus, Emilia, Moksha, Amaan and Layla in Palau, who all achieved WOW Awards this week.

Amaan and Charley in Palau, Rayya in New Zealand, and Isla and Leya in Australia received Handwriting Awards.

The Star Writer certificates were awarded to Sidiq in New Zealand, Grace and Andrey in Australia and Stanley in Palau.

And finally the E for Excellence certificates were awarded to Poppy in Australia, Donovan in New Zealand and Noah in Palau.

Well done everybody, we are very proud of you all!

Year 5 Awards

Year 5 Certificate winners

Well done to this week's Year 5 award winners: The week’s Star Writers are:

Canada - River

Mexico - Daniela

USA - Ellie- Mae

The pupils in Year 5 who received an 'E for Excellence' certificate are:

Canada - Thai

Mexico - Dollie

USA - Matvejs

The pupil in Year 5 who received a Tracker reward is:

USA: Ian

The pupils in year 5 who received a Mathletics Bronze award are:

USA: Zahi, Shomari, Louisa and Rehan

Mexico: Nicole

Zahi in USA also received a silver Mathletics award.

These pupils in year 5 were awards a WOW award:

Canada: Thai and Maisie

Votes For Schools- Year 6


Mead Primary now take part in the weekly Votes For Schools programme. Each week a new and current question is posed for the children to discuss and then vote. At the beginning of the week the question is displayed and they can comment on this throughout the week. At the end of the eek we spend time in class discussing the question and then they vote.

This week’s question is: Is the end of cash coming?

Here are their comments.

Here are their votes.

Results in your school

Year 6 rewards


Well done to this week's Year 6 award winners: The week’s Star Writers are:

Argentina- Junior

Brazil- Michael

Chile- Ronnie


The pupils in Year 6 who received an 'E for Excellence' certificate are:

Argentina- Mihaela

Brazil- Sydney

Chile- Safiyya


Nia, Vlad & Irina have worked really hard on Mathletics at home and have achieved a bronze award


Year 4 Certificate winners


A massive congratulations to this week's Year 4 certificate winners.
E for Excellence - Tommy (Germany), Francesca (Italy)
Star Writer - Dami (Greece), Dianna (Germany), Adam (Italy)
WoW Awards- Heath, Joey & Olivia-Rose (Greece)
Reciprocity - Ordrey (Italy)
Resilience - Ava (Italy)
Resourcefulness - Harley (Italy)
Reflectiveness - Harry (Italy)
Certificate of Presentation - Wadi (Italy)

Year 3 Certificate Winners

Well done to our Year 3 certificate winners this week!

E for Excellence: Cataleya in Northern Ireland, Bella-Liegh in Wales and Eleni in Scotland.
Star Writers: Alexis in Scotland and Tommy in Northern Ireland.

Tracker Award: Alexis in Scotland.

Reading Award: Jokubas and Rose in Wales and Michelle in Northern Ireland.
WOW Award: Evie and Oghomwen in Wales.

Bronze Certificte: Jacob, Oghomwen & Jokubas (Wales), David, Destini and Michael N (Northern Ireland), Bogdan, Maximilian, Nisa, Olivia, Dev, Sienna (Scotland).
Silver Certificate: Oghomwen (Wales) and Sienna (Scotland).
Gold Certificate: Sienna (Scotland).
The four R's: Eva and Zach in Scotland Class.

Lunchtime Award: Zach and Sophia in Scotland Class.

Well done to all of year 3 for their fantastic efforts this week. Both children and adults are thoroughly enjoying being back in the classroom!

We are so proud of you all. keep up the fantastic work :)

Dinner Menu


Havering school catering services are providing a reduced menu at the present time and are currently offering a choice of two dinners per day. The choices for next week are as follows:

Monday 29th March
Red Pork Sausages
Green Vegetable Fingers

Tuesday 30th March 
Red Sticky Chicken
Blue Jacket potato with Cheese or baked beans

Wednesday 31st March
Red Roast Chicken
Green Vegan mince puff

Thursday 1st April
Red Cottage pie
Green Cheese and Tomato Pizza

Also on Thursday as it's the last day of term we have a special Easter dessert!

Newsletter 26-03-2021

Friday 26th March 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you are well and have had a good week. Below are some awards that we would like to share with you and some important reminders and information that you should be aware of.

● Masks must be worn by parents on the school site (unless medically exempt).

● Parents must continue to exercise social distancing in and around the school.

● School will remain closed after lunch on Friday (12-50 for KS1 and 1-00 for KS2). Google Classroom work will be set for the children to complete at home. Please note that younger children cannot be collected by siblings in KS2.

● Homework Club on Friday afternoon remains available for parents who would like their child/children to remain at school. Please complete the Google Survey to secure a place.

● Children who have been lent Chromebooks should keep them at home to complete their homework and Friday afternoon Google Classroom learning.


Attendance for this week is 93.8%. This is really disappointing and something we need to improve for next week. We are working really hard to support the children on their return to school following the enforced school closure and we really need your support within this. We do of course, understand that there are times when children are unable to come to school as they are unwell. If we can help in any way, please do let us know.

Anxiety in children virtual course - Tuesday 30th March (9-30am)

NELFT have organised a free virtual awareness session for supporting parents in recognizing and managing anxiety in children. This session is free and can be accessed by parents and primary aged children. If you are interested, email or; they will send you the link to the session

Mr Denchfield’s Wonderful Wall of Work!

I have a new noticeboard in my room which has been dedicated to displaying children's fantastic learning. Teachers are able to send children to me to discuss their learning. They will receive a special headteacher’s sticker, have their work copied and added to the display and have their picture added to our Facebook page for all to see! Well done to Ellie (Brazil) for being the first to have their work displayed!

Star Writers

These children have used a range of powerful vocabulary and techniques to become a Star Writer Well done to Kavi (Jamaica), Oscar (Antigua), Stanley (Palau), Sidiq (New Zealand), Kojo (Barbados), Jaion (Wales), Alexis (Scotland), Tommy (Northern Ireland), Vilte (Kenya), Adam (Italy), Mohammad (Madagascar), Ellie-Mae (USA), Indigo (Egypt), Dami (Greece) Grace and Andrey (Australia), Junior (Argentina), Michael (Brazil), Daniela (Mexico), Clovis (St Lucia) and Dianna (Germany) and River (Canada). Look out for examples of their work on the blog!

Learning Power Awards
Congratulations to these children who have demonstrated one of our four learning skills.

Learning Power
Majus(Madagascar), Ava P(Italy)

Eva and Zachary (Scotland), Ordrey (Italy)

Harry (Italy)

Harley (Italy)

Tracker Awards
Congratulations to the latest children who have achieved their Tracker Awards. We are very proud of their achievements!

Scarlet, Harrison and Vilte (Kenya), Renaz and Luke (Madagascar) and Frankie and Maryam (Egypt) Silver: Tyler (Egypt)

Keeley(Madagascar) and Crisitan (Kenya)

Alexis (Scotland) and Ian (USA)

Certificate of Presentation

Well done to Layla and Maria (Madagascar), Amaan and Charley (Palau), Rayya (New Zealand), Wadi (Italy), Anete (Egypt) and Isla and Leya (Australia). We are also very proud of Jacob and Joseph (Malta), who have presented their work beautifully; they have shown pride in their work and taken care with their handwriting and number formation.

Reading Awards

Reading is one of the most important skills we can teach our children. We are very proud of the children below who have demonstrated a real commitment to their reading. Well done!

10 books read. 

They receive a bookmark

Jeremiah (Barbados), Michelle (Northern Ireland), Rose (Wales).

25 books read. 

They receive a Bronze Reading Award

Amirah and Milena (Barbados), Lyra (Australia) and Inaya, Archie and Lenny M (St Lucia)

50 books read 

They receive a Silver Reading Award and a £5 book token

Aleem and Mahir (Jamaica), Jokubas (Wales), Shay (Australia) Oguzcan and Akhils (St Lucia).

100 books read 

They receive a Gold Reading Award and a trophy

Zelda (Barbados), Kavi, David T, Nancy and Nathan K (Jamaica) and Amelia H (St Lucia).

Mathletics Award 

Yet more fantastic achievements, this time for Maths. Excellent work! 

Bronze certificate 

Jacob, Oghomwen & Jokubas (Wales), David, Destini and Michael N (Northern Ireland), Zahi, Shomari, Louisa & Rehan (USA), Kajus (Greece), Bogdan, Maximilian, Nisa, Olivia, Dev, Sienna (Scotland), Vlad and Irina (Chile), Nia (Brazil), Shay, Grace, Hollie-Rai, Poppy, Constantine, Natalia, Damira, Aum and Samhita (Australia) Amy, Ignacy, Izabela, Dora, Zuzanna and Ella (New Zealand), Lukas and Daisy (Germany), Filip (Italy) and Nicole (Mexico).

Silver certificate 

Oghomwen (Wales), Zahi (USA) and Sienna (Scotland).

Gold certificate 

Sienna (Scotland).

WOW! Award

Child/Children Reason

Ianis, Porsha, Roman E, Maryam, Angelo, Roman G and Moksha 

Super work in Read, Write Inc.


Kajus, Emilia, Moksha, Amaan and Layla (Palau) Moving up a book band.

Oghomwen and Evie (Wales) Moving up a book band.

Nathan K (Jamaica) Trying really hard in RWI.

Sebastian and Ruby (Barbados) Amazing work in RWI.

Daniel R (Madagascar) Moving up a book band.

Amen and Scarlett (Kenya) Moving up a book band, Connie Brilliant writing descriptive sentences. Maathumai (Egypt) A great science lab coat design. Isabel (Egypt) Amazing hieroglyphs.

Gracie ( Australia) 

Always being helpful and kind to others. 

Logan (Australia) 

Brilliant work in RWI. 

Ralph and Leya (Australia) 

Completing extra learning at home. 

Joey, Stephen, Olivia-Rose, Georgie-Mai and Heath (Greece) Moving up a book band. Robert (New Zealand) 

Great work in Read Write Inc. 

Amber, Sidrah and Ria (New Zealand) 

Moving up a book band. 

Summer Great work in RWI.

Maisie and Thai (Canada) Demonstrating excellent hockey skills in PE.

E for Excellence









St Lucia 



Tommy C





New Zealand 
























N. Ireland 




Key Information and dates

Squid login

Thursday 1st April Final day of the Spring Term

Monday 19th April Back to School

Monday 3rd May School Closed - Bank Holiday

Thursday 6th May School Closed - Greater London Elections.

We plan to open for Key Worker children. Details to follow after Easter.

Thursday 27th May Final day of the half term

Monday 7th June Back to School

Thursday 22nd July Final day of the Summer Term

Have a lovely weekend and don’t forget the clocks move forward 1 hour on Sunday morning! Yours sincerely,

Mr D Denchfield

Executive Headteacher