Monday, 30 March 2020

Interactive BSL lessons

Mrs Rolfe had the fantastic idea of teaching you how to use sign language whilst you are learning from home. Each week she will teach you something new and then by Friday she will implement what you have learnt into a song or story!

Have a go at learning the colours below! 
At the end of the week she will teach us how to sign 'I can sing a rainbow' in support of our NHS workers.

Friday, 27 March 2020

Year 6 spellings

Please find below spellings for this week. Please encourage your child to practise their spellings every day. The children will be tested on these words next Friday 3rd May.


Year 5 Spelling

We have set you the following spellings this week. You can practise them using the look, cover, write, check method. You could also ask your family members to test you .

Remember is you are unsure of what a word means, look it up in the dictionary and practise putting it into sentences.

This weeks spellings are:



This Weeks Mathletics

Well done to all of you who are taking part in the Mathletics challenges this week. The winning classes are:
Key Stage 1 Egypt who were awarded  11 certificates
Key Stage 2 Northern Ireland and Wales who both were awarded with 6 certificates.

Keep up with the hard work.
Mrs Todd

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Evidence me parent postcard

Thank you to all those parents who have been uploading and sharing their child's learning. There is a parent help section on the website but here is a useful "How to guide" to help you create and upload a parent postcard.

Create a Parent App Observation
For each Parent Share observation, you can add evidence. This could be an activity or a piece of work.
Tap on one of the below icons on the app Create screen to start your observation
    1. The photo will be instantly captured
    2. Edit your image using the image edit features – Please Note this feature will only appear if you have switched on Enable Crop Screen in the Settings area of the app
    3. Tap Done in the bottom right-hand corner
    4. Select Tap to Edit
TOP TIP: Your observation will automatically appear on your recent observations bar so you can always edit it at a later date.
    1. The video will automatically start recording
    2. Click on the stop button to stop the recording
    3. Click Tap to Edit
TOP TIP: Your observation will automatically appear on your recent observations bar so you can always edit it at a later date.
Existing photo/ video
    1. Your device gallery will instantly open
    2. Select the image(s) you would like to upload (max 10)
    3. Click Select in the top right-hand corner
PLEASE NOTE: If the video is saved in a special new “high-efficiency multimedia format” in the iOS gallery, then the video won’t play (only sound).
Here is how you can switch off this new format open Settings:
    1. Open the device settings
    2. Scroll down to Camera
    3. Tap Formats
    4. Tap Most Compatible
Continue without evidence
    1. A blank observation will automatically open
Add App Observation Details
    1. Tap to edit an observation
    2. Click to amend the date and time (if required)
    3. Tap on one of the icons below the image to upload more evidence
    4. Tap Add Learners + – Please note a learner must be added in order for the observation to be sent to the school or setting
    5. Tap Add Parent Notes +
Observations will automatically be uploaded to the school’s account as long as your device is connected to wifi. This is indicated by a green dot appearing in the top left-hand corner of the observation thumbnail.
Observations with a red dot in the top left-hand corner have not yet been uploaded and will upload as soon as your device is connected to a good wifi connection.

View App Observations
You will receive an email notification every time an observation is uploaded to the app for your child. By clicking on the link within the email notification you will automatically be taken to the new observation within your Evidence Me App.
PLEASE NOTE: If you do not receive the email notifications please check your spam/ junk folder and mark as safe.
You can view Parent Share observations at any time by opening the Evidence Me App and tapping Observations on the quick-access bar in the bottom left-hand corner.
Add Parent Notes to any observations by tapping Tap to edit + under the Parent Notes area of the observation. Type your note and click Back in the top left-hand corner for your notes to be automatically saved to the observation.
If you have any further questions please contact your child’s school/ setting directly.
Please visit and log in with your username and password. We recommend that you use Google Chrome when accessing the web suite to ensure you have full access to all its features.
View Observations
From the Evidence Me home page, you can view all the latest observations.
    1. Click Add filter to view observations for a particular date range.
    2. Click on an observation image to view it.
    3. Click Edit Observation Details to add Parent Notes to the observation.
    4. Click Save Changes
Create an Observation
Creating observations directly on the Web Suite is really quick and simple.
    1. Click on the icon in the top right corner of the Latest Observations bar
    2. Select your child/ children
    3. Click Create an Observation
    4. Click Upload in the top left-hand corner to add an image (photo/ video)
    5. Upload your image by dragging & dropping it into the box or select Browse
    6. Use the blue box to crop your image and click Add Image
    7. Click Upload in the bottom right-hand corner
    • To add more than one image re-click the Upload button
    • To delete an image click to highlight it, click on the bin icon in the top right-hand corner and click Delete
  1. Edit Observation Details
    1. Click Edit Observation Details in the bottom right-hand corner of the Observation Details box
    2. Add observation details such as the Experience Date, time, and Parent Notes
    3. Click Save Changes
Your Parent Share observation will be automatically submitted to your child’s setting.

Wednesday, 25 March 2020


If you need access to any of your child's accounts then email the year group - please do not phone the school office.


Has anyone listened to the next book released today? Send us your pictures of you all reading!​

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Dear Parents

Good evening.

I am writing to you, both parents and staff, at a time when we are facing the biggest danger this country has faced in decades. An invisible, indiscriminate and undetectable killer.
As the Prime Minister said yesterday it is vital we slow the spread of the disease to reduce the number needing hospital treatment and so save lives.

We all have the responsibility to stop the disease spreading between households.

School staff are being asked to come to work to provide care for children of ‘key workers’. They are exposed with no personal protective equipment and no support or guidance from the Government.
Supermarket staff, transport workers, caters and NHS staff - all frontline workers were all thanked by the Prime Minister but those in the Education sector were inexcusably overlooked.
I urge you please to not overlook my staff. Please keep your children at home if at all possible, protect your children, protect my staff, the NHS and save lives.

Staff are looking for leadership, parents and pupils for reassurance and scientists for a cure.
I’m looking to you to support our staff by only sending your children into school if there is absolutely no other option.

The fewer children in school, the more children I can protect and the more staff I can allow to stay at home and protect themselves and their families.

Thank you

Stay home and stay safe

Mrs L Smith

Home learning-ClassDojo for Year 2

Dear Parents/carers
We are in the process of setting up ClassDojo for the year 2 children.
You should get an email today to join this classroom community. Please follow the instructions within this.  This can be used via the website or free App.
We are in the early stages of setting this up so please be patient with us.  The aim is that we will be able to communicate easily with the children and set work and activities for them to complete.
If you have not received the email by tomorrow the 25th March please email our year group mailbox:

Thank you for your continued support.
Take care
Year 2 team

Hello Mead Nursery families

Hello to our lovely Mead Nursery children and their families.
We are so sad that school is closed and we are not going to be here for a while to support our children in person.
A few people have been messaging asking for different things that they can do while the children are home.
Each morning at 9.30 a.m there is a Read write inc online session that teaches Set 1 sounds. This will help set the children up nicely for starting in Reception.

Alphablocks and Numberjacks are also very good. Cbeebies have a good range of online stoties

Away from screen time there are lots of things you can do to help develop your child's school readiness.

Counting-practise counting objects,stairs, plates -anything!
writing numbers

Mark making-drawing, letter formation, writing notes, name writing
playdough is also helpful for developing the muscles.
If you have the supplies this is a useful recipe.

The BEST Homemade Playdough
1 cup flour
1 cup water
2 tsp cream of tarter
1/3 cup salt
1 TBS vegetable oil
gel food coloring

Mix together all the ingredients, except the food coloring, in a medium saucepan.
Cook over low/medium heat, stirring. Once it begins to thicken, add the food coloring.
Continue stirring until the mixture is much thicker and begins to gather around the spoon.
Once the dough is not wet, remove and put onto wax paper or a plate to cool.

After cooling (30 minutes) knead playdough for a few seconds.


Reading stories and sharing together books

Then other school readiness ideas are
getting dressed
playing turn taking games such as snakes and ladders
good toileting skills.

Please keep us posted on how things are going and any support we can give to you on

We look forward to hearing from you.
The Nursery Team

Maths Lessons available

Image result for i see maths

Gareth Metcalfe, a great teacher of maths, is releasing videoed maths lessons (daily for Y3-Y6 and twice weekly for Y1-Y2). These will lead up to a task and are not to be missed.

Monday, 23 March 2020

Evidence me information for reception parents

Dear Parent/Carer,

We’ve started to use a new system which will allow us to share what your child is doing in school and works very similar to our old system 2Simple.

The ‘Parent Share’ feature in Evidence Me enables you to view reports (complete with photos) via the app or web suite, showing you what your child has been learning and the new skills they are developing.

We think these reports will really brighten up your day!

You can send us your comments and feedback by simply adding them to the reports. This will help our staff to support your child even more effectively in the classroom.

You can also take an active role in contributing to your child’s observation portfolio by uploading your own observations, simply add these to the app or web suite. Given the current school situation this will be a useful way for us to stay in communication with each other and an opportunity for you to share the learning your child is doing at home.

You will receive an email in the next few days from asking you to confirm that you would like to participate. Make sure you check your spam/junk inbox as sometimes emails can get lost in there.

If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact the school directly.

We look forward to supporting you and your child and are always striving to provide the highest standard of education possible.

Please visit for further information and guidance.

Many thanks

Reception team

What have you done this morning?

Keep us updated with what you have been up today!

Learning at Home

Monday will be the first day for many children where they will begin learning at home. Teachers have worked hard to plan and set appropriate work for you. You will find a link on the school website to our new 'Home Learning' section. It is a central place for news, links to education websites and events, contact details and other useful information.

Bare with us if there are technical issues or if it missing 'something'.
We are working hard, always improving and welcome feedback.
Thank you for your continued support.

Friday, 20 March 2020

Year 6 spellings

Please find below spellings for this week. Please encourage your child to practise their spellings every day. The children will be tested on these words next Friday 27th March.


School Packed Lunch

If you are eligible to a free school meal, not universal (KS1/Reception), then you will be entitled to a packed lunch everyday, which will be provided by Havering Catering Services. If you are unsure of eligibility, please contact the school. This lunch does not apply to children who will be attending school as other arrangements are in place.

Please follow the instructions below to ensure a lunch is made for your child:

  • email to request a packed lunch. 
  • please indicate in the email, which days your child will require to have a packed lunch made.
  • please send your request in at  by 9.00am, at the latest, every Monday morning
  • if you are unable to email, please call the office on 01708 343 616. Please ensure you speak to a member of the office team - do not leave a message.
  • you will need to come and collect your child's packed lunch between 12pm and 1pm from the KS2 Playground or main Corridor in the Junior building.
  • Lunch will consist of; a sandwich/baguette, piece of fruit and a cake. Please specify in your email if your child would prefer a filling of ham, cheese or tuna
  • Please inform us if you have any special dietary requirements. 

Year 2 Home Learning

Dear Parents,
During this difficult time please keep reading regularly with your child.  Also, share books they can not read independently.  There are links to websites and free resources on the Blog. The children have log in details for My Maths and Mathletics too.

Useful things to keep doing:
Encourage your child to learn to read and spell the common exception words for KS1.
Go through the sounds in the middle of their reading record book focusing on the ones they are less confident with.
Practise handwriting by copying writing from books.  Write stories and write about animals or things that interest them. Make their writing interesting by adding adjectives, conjunctions and a variety of punctuation. Encourage them to use capital letters and full stops in their writing and the correct formation and sizing for their letters. If they have started joining their letters in class allow them to do that to improve their neatness.

Learn the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables and related division calculations.  Then move on to other tables.  Add and subtract 2 digit numbers to 100 and then beyond when they can. We have shown them some strategies.  Let them show you those strategies. We will put maths activities on the Blog regularly.
Please email us if you have any questions about your child’s learning:

Thank you
Year 2 Team

Year 5 Spellings

You will be given 18 spellings to learn on a Friday and you will be
tested the following Friday. These words will come from the
spelling rule which we have been learning about that week. 
The words in red are from the Statutory year 5 and 6
spelling list. You will be tested on Friday 27th March 2020

Faux pas 

Parents/Carers who are eligible for child care

If you have met the criteria from the governments guidance then you will receive a phone call from the school today confirming your child's attendance for next week.

The school day, for children who are attending, is 8:50am - 3:10pm. Please note that there is no breakfast club or after school clubs. Children must be picked up on time.

Medication and Asthma pumps

If your child is not going to be in school - after today - then please remember to collect any medication or asthma pumps.

Thank you,

Mead staff

Parental information update -20th March

As I am sure you are aware,the Secretary of State for Education gave a public statement that all schools in England would be closed from the end of the school day on Friday 20th March until further notice.

Having indicated that all schools would be closed, he then indicated that they would be expected to remain open for the children of key workers and for those in various vulnerable categories – providing a safe place and access to meals.

Please only complete the form to send your child to school if one parent is a key worker - with no one else at home or you are a family with additional needs. .

Government guidance states that if children can stay at home, they need to do so to help social distancing.

Key principles from guidance

1. If it is at all possible for children to be at home, then they should be.
2. If a child needs specialist support, is vulnerable or has a parent who is a critical worker, then educational provision will be available for them.
3. Parents should not rely for childcare upon those who are advised to be in the stringent social distancing category such as grandparents, friends, or family members with underlying conditions.
4. Parents should also do everything they can to ensure children are not mixing socially in a way which can continue to spread the virus. They should observe the same social distancing principles as adults.
Key workers are classed at this time as:
NHS staff
Social care  workers
Police officers
Court staff
Religious staff
Some government staff
Super market staff
Army and MoD
Fire Services
Prison and probation
Schools and nurseries
Transport workers
Infrastructure inc gas and electric
Some financial services
Delivery Workers

Thank you for your continued support at this time.

Reception Maths Challenges

Parents/Carers of children in reception

Each week we will publish a weekly 'maths challenge'. These challenges will consist of short practical activities for your child to complete at home and will help your child to see maths as fun. The challenges relate to the different areas of learning within our curriculum: Numbers and Shape, space and measures (SSM). You can repeat the activity as many times as your child wants to and please feel free to change and adapt the ideas to suit your child's interest, what you have in your house and their current level of development. If your child would like to represent their thinking on paper let them do so in their own way. For example, they might not want to write numbers, but they might want to draw to communicate their mathematical thinking. Please remember you can share via Evidence me any work your child does.


Using sticks, pebbles or everyday objects such as pegs and buttons can you make some 2D shapes?

What shape did you make? Can you tell a grown-up about your shape? Describe your shape, talk about it's properties.

Can you make another shape? A triangle, square, hexagon?

Draw the shapes you have made? Can you label them?

Here are some questions you could ask to help promote your child's thinking:

  • What shape can you make using the sticks?
  • Can you make a triangle?
  • How is my triangle similar to your triangle? How is it different?
  • Can you make a shape with four corners? How many sticks did you use? Does this shape have any corners? How many?
  • Are there any shapes you can’t make using the sticks? Why not?
  • What could we use to make a circle?
  • Can you tell me how to make a rectangle? What do I need? What can you tell me about the shapes we made?
  • How do you know this shape is a triangle? Could this shape be a circle? Why? Why not?

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Learning from home

Mead have begun setting up online virtual classrooms and putting together materials for children to complete at home. Packs will be going out/ have been given out to the children in school. If your child is absent you will be able to collect a copy from the school office. They will also be given their login information for all online learning platforms.

The school is currently working with Havering Catering Services to see how we can support children on Free School Meals, I will hopefully give you more information about this tomorrow. Please remember that the school blog will be updated as soon as we have any further news.

During the closure, please make use of the school shared mailboxes where teachers will be available to offer support and respond to queries about home learning.

Home learning for Reception children


Over the past two days your child will have come home with some home learning resources. If your child has not been in school, there is an opporunity for you to come and collect their pack after school tomorrow from the office.

Here is a reminder of the online resources we have directed you to:

  • ·       Twinkl website, they are offering a free account for parents using -  UKTWINKLHELPS

  • ·       Topmarks website for math’s and phonic activities

  • ·       Phonics play - username: march20 password: home
We will continue to blog our maths challenges and we will add a weekly writing challange as well. You can encourage your child to practise their letter formation, name writing and number formation daily.

If you do have have queries please do not hesitate to contact us at

Many thanks

Reception team