On behalf of all staff in EYFS we would like to say how grateful we are for all the cards and presents. Your generosity has totally overwhelmed us.
We would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year.
Wednesday, 19 December 2018
Sad to see you go Blake
Goodbye and good luck to Blake as he leaves Mead Nursery today. Blake always has a smile and a story to tell and we will miss him very much.
We wish Blake good luck in his new Nursery the Rainbow Room .
We hope to see you again in the future Blake.
We wish Blake good luck in his new Nursery the Rainbow Room .
We hope to see you again in the future Blake.
Northern Ireland Star Writer
This weeks star writer in Northern Ireland is Sulejman, who wrote a fantastic Christmas poem. Well done!
Attendance Awards
Well done to all Mead pupils who have 100% attendance so far this academic year. There are far too many to mention individually but we have managed to squeeze them all in the photographs below. They all received a bronze badge acknowledging their achievement. Hopefully they'll all appear in the 100% photos at the end of next term, when they'll get their silver badges and at the end of the summer term when they'll be awarded gold badges.
Weekly Newsletter-19th December 2018
Dear Parents,
We have come to the end of a long term and I am sure that the whole school community is looking forward to a well earned rest. I certainly am after spending the night in the Reception/KS1 treehouse- thanks to those naughty elves! !
Hopefully you’ve been able to follow the elves antics on Facebook with your children-We have certainly had some fun this week!
We have had lots to smile about with the achievements of 2018 and it is a year we can look back on with a great deal of pride. The farm is now well established and I am thrilled with the positive comments received following year group organised visits. We look forward to opening it up for other members of the local community in 2019.
Well done to all our staff especially those in years 2 and 6 who managed to sustain the impressive SATs results gained in previous years.
I could not be more excited about what’s in store for next year, and for the opportunity to work with pupils, staff and parents in 2019.
Staff news
Sadly we have to say goodbye to 2 staff members- Mrs Sarah Adams, who is moving to school closer to her home and Mr Wolthuis who is moving out of the area -They both leave Mead with our very best wishes for the future. We are very much looking forward to welcoming Mr Elliott who will be the new teacher in Germany class for the spring and Miss Knight and Mrs Ahmed who will be joining our support staff.
Attendance News!
I am delighted to announce the winners of the attendance league for the Autumn term -Chile and Germany class tied for both place- both had 96.4% attendance -so very well done to them.They will enjoy their reward at the beginning of next term. The overall attendance for this term is 95.2%. We have the Spring term to make 0.8% improvement to reach our target of 96%.
Diary dates
Tuesday 8th January- First day of spring term-We are looking forward to welcoming our pupils back -Doors open at 8:30
Wednesday 9th January Wicked Theatre trip for Book Club pupils. Swimming starts for year 4 pupils.
Thursday 10th January-15:20 Forest School meeting for pupils attending this term
Havering Catering Services
Week beginning Tuesday 8th January is week 3 on the Havering catering services menu. All meals are served with unlimited salad and vegetables and cost £2.20. Meals are free to our KS1/EYFS pupils.
Please be reminded to top up your child’s catering account as we cannot provide dinners for pupils whose accounts exceed a debt of £10.
A massive well done to the LFPA who raised an amazing £4941.98 at the recent firework event.They have asked me to share the following message for parents/carer.
“The LFPA will be changing in the new year and will be looking for new members to form a committee, casual volunteers and helpers. Life is busy but if you have a few hours a month you could spare to help plan events or even just an odd afternoon a few times a year they'd love to hear from you, please email LFPA@email.com with your name, which school you are associated with and whether you are available to be a committee member, casual volunteer or if you could help in other ways."
Key Diary Dates for next term
Wednesday 9th January -Swimming starts for year 4 pupils this week
Monday 18th February-Friday 22nd February -Half term-School closed
Monday 25th February -Back to school-Swimming starts for year 4 pupils this week
Monday 8th April/Tuesday 9th April -Parent afternoon/evenings
Monday 15th-Monday 29th April -Easter holidays-School closed
Tuesday 30th April -Back to school
Thank you for all of the cards and gifts that have been given to staff. On behalf of them I would like to thank you for your kindness and generosity.
Finally it leaves me to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy new year and I look forward to welcoming you all back to school on Tuesday 8th January.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs L Smith
Tuesday, 18 December 2018
Message from Premier Schoolwear Ltd
last day at Romford will be tomorrow 19th Dec, we will close here at 3pm and
re-open on Jan 4th 8am – 4pm as normal
orders placed on the internet after noon tomorrow will not be processed until
we return in New Year
would like to wish you all a Merry Xmas & Happy New Year from all at
Premier Schoolwear
Christmas Dinner is enjoyed by all
Our children had a wonderful time at their school Christmas dinner today. The children were pleased to receive a cracker `It`s the best day of my life `said Benjamin
and they wore their party hats with pride.
There were lots of clean plates and shrieks of `This is delicious`
Thank you to all our mid day staff who made the day so enjoyable for the children and the friends of Mead who supplied the crackers.
and they wore their party hats with pride.
There were lots of clean plates and shrieks of `This is delicious`
Thank you to all our mid day staff who made the day so enjoyable for the children and the friends of Mead who supplied the crackers.
Monday, 17 December 2018
Year 6 Christmas
Year Six Christmas party
To celebrate Christmas this year the year six children requested a film afternoon with popcorn and hot chocolate.
This will take place in school on Tuesday 18th December after their Christmas dinner.
The year six staff have provided everything so there is no need to bring anything in.
We would like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.
The year six team
Sunday, 16 December 2018
Reception Christmas Newsletter
Dear Parents and Carers
Well what a busy first term the children have had in Reception.They have taken on board so much and we feel so proud of all they have achieved.
We loved watching the children in their Wriggly nativity and thought they all did such a good job.
We still have our Christmas parties to enjoy on Monday. Thank you to everybody who has already brought in food and if you haven`t there is still time to bring it on Monday morning. The children should wear their normal school uniform.
On Tuesday the children have their Christmas dinner day.The mid day staff always make this a very festive and special day for the children.
At 2.30pm on Wednesday we are finishing the term with a short carol concert where we would like the parents/grandparents to come and join. It would be lovely to see as many of you there as possible.
Congratulations to all of our Reception families that bought tickets for the Nursery raffle and we are pleased to announce some winners amongst you:
The winners of the raffle were
1st-Joshua(St Lucia) Nan and Grandad
4th-Merkhima (Jamaica)
5th-Mia (Nursery)
6th-Chris Cowley
8th-Miss Long(Barbados)
Important dates:
Monday 17th December-Christmas parties
Tuesday 18th December-Christmas lunch day
Wednesday 19th December-3.30pm Nursery closes for Christmas
Tuesday 8th January-School reopens for the Spring Term
Please note that the final day of the summer term will be on Friday 19th July, 2019.
INSET Dates and Polling day for 2018-19
3rd September | 4th September | 7th January | 29th April | 5th June |
Thank you so much for all the cards and presents we have received.We do appreciate your kindness and your support.
We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and healthy New Year.
Thanks again for all your support
Kind Regards
Nursery Christmas Newsletter
Dear Parents and Carers
Well here we are at the end of the children`s first term at Nursery.
What a term the children have had and they have come such a long way.
Last week showed what little stars we have in Nursery and we feel very proud of the progress they have made.
We have our Christmas parties still to enjoy on Monday.Thank you to everybody who signed up to bring in food.Please send it in with your child at their normal session on Monday.
At 2.30pm on Wednesday we are finishing the term with a short carol concert where we would like the parents/grandparents to come and join. It would be lovely to see as many of you there as possible.
Thank you once again for the very generous donations towards the raffle and thanks to your support we were able to offer some fantastic prizes
The winners of the raffle were
1st-Joshua(St Lucia) Nan and Grandad
4th-Merkhima (Jamaica)
5th-Mia (Nursery)
6th-Chris Cowley
8th-Miss Long(Barbados)
Important dates:
Monday 17th December-Christmas parties
Wednesday 19th December-2.30-Carol concert
Wednesday 19th December-3.30 Nursery closes for Christmas
Please note that the final day of the summer term will be on Friday 19th July, 2019.
INSET Dates and Polling day for 2018-19
3rd September | 4th September | 7th January | 29th April | 5th June |
Thank you so much for all the cards and presents we have received.We do appreciate your kindness and your support.
We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and healthy New Year.
Thanks again for all your support
Kind Regards
Friday, 14 December 2018
Year 1 Star Writers
Congratulations to these Star Writers in Year 1 this week.
Well done!
Cattleya - Australia
Lara - Palau
Jared - New Zealand
Wales Class Visit Harold Hill Library
Today Wales class visited Harold Hill Library, and brought a little bit of cheer to the librarians with their Christmas jumpers! Children were able to choose their own book to borrow for the class library, and learned how to find the books they wanted on the shelf.
'I got to borrow a book about horses, and I'm really excited to read it!' said Joe.
Wales will be able to swap the books a little later in the year. We were also invited to take part in the Winter Reading Challenge. Children who read three books over Christmas will be eligible for a certificate.
Year 3 Christmas Class Parties
The Year Three children will have their Christmas parties on Monday 17th December. If you would like to you can send in your child with a small snack for the party such as a bag of crisps, juice box, piece of fruit or small cake to share.
Thank you for your continued support,
Year 3 Team
Our Nursery stars make us proud
Wow what a treat we had at the Nursery Christmas concert!
Bearing in mind the children are only 3 and 4 and standing up in front of an audience can be daunting we thought they were incredible.
Who knew we had such talent?
Every child took their part very seriously
The stars twinkled beautifully, the snowmen melted just at the right time when that lovely sun came along, the father Christmas` s got stuck, the puddings stood looking tasty and the Christmas trees sang to their heart`s content.
Thank you to all the parents for attending and for all your wonderfully generous donations to the raffle. We hope you enjoyed seeing the children perform.
Bearing in mind the children are only 3 and 4 and standing up in front of an audience can be daunting we thought they were incredible.
Who knew we had such talent?
Every child took their part very seriously
The stars twinkled beautifully, the snowmen melted just at the right time when that lovely sun came along, the father Christmas` s got stuck, the puddings stood looking tasty and the Christmas trees sang to their heart`s content.
Thank you to all the parents for attending and for all your wonderfully generous donations to the raffle. We hope you enjoyed seeing the children perform.
Star Writers
These children have used a range of powerful vocabulary and techniques to become a Star Writer; Vilte in Barbados, Jacob in St Lucia, Janisha in Jamaica, Isabella in New Zealand, Cattleya in Australia, Lara in Palau, Vansh in Madagascar, Daisy in Egypt, Harry in Kenya, Sulejman in N. Ireland, Melisa in Wales, Folasade in Scotland, Jessie in Germany, Nina in Greece, Lilyana in Italy, Cooper in U.S.A, Maryam in Canada, Ramone in Mexico, Izzabelle in Chile, Nadia in Brazil and Chloe in Argentina.
Look out for examples of their work on the blog!
Learning Challenge Awards
Learning Power Awards
These are the awards we present to the pupils when they have demonstrated one of our four learning skills: Resilience, reciprocity, reflectiveness & resourcefulness.
Well done to Wadi in Kenya, Arthur and Kailee in Mexico and Mariama in Madagascar who receive certificates for resilience and Tai in Wales who receives a certificate for reciprocity. Simeon in Mexico who has shown he can be very resourceful in school.
Tracker Awards
Certificate of Presentation
E for Excellence Winners
These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.
Barbados -Kaden
Wales -Ava
Jamaica -Yasmin
Scotland -Maisie
St Lucia -Yannis
Germany -Kaylin
New Zealand -Jokubas
Greece -All the children
Australia -Haydar
Italy -All the children
Palau -Lottie
U.S.A -Lukas
Madagascar -Remiyah
Canada -Maliha
Egypt -Remi
Mexico -Kasey
Kenya -Alex
Chile -Raul
N. Ireland -Kiyah
Brazil -Joseph
Argentina -Moavvya
Barbados -Kaden
Wales -Ava
Jamaica -Yasmin
Scotland -Maisie
St Lucia -Yannis
Germany -Kaylin
New Zealand -Jokubas
Greece -All the children
Australia -Haydar
Italy -All the children
Palau -Lottie
U.S.A -Lukas
Madagascar -Remiyah
Canada -Maliha
Egypt -Remi
Mexico -Kasey
Kenya -Alex
Chile -Raul
N. Ireland -Kiyah
Brazil -Joseph
Argentina -Moavvya