Friday, 30 November 2018

E for Excellence Winners

These wonderful children have demonstrated excellence this week.
Barbados -Vilte
Wales -Louisa
Jamaica -Francesca
Scotland -Millie-Rae
St Lucia -Robbie
Germany -Jasmine
New Zealand -Bella-Leigh
Greece -Kira
Australia -Linh
Italy -Jacob
Palau -Dev
U.S.A -Teddy
Madagascar -Sarah
Canada -Sara
Egypt -Evie
Mexico -Charlize
Kenya -Ema
Chile -Brooke
N. Ireland -Edward
Brazil -Sydney
Argentina -Cameron

WOW Award

I have made my teacher happy:
Max, Isabella and Jake in Palau -For moving up a book band
Stephen and Dami -For moving up a book band.
Thereisa and Dianna in Egypt -For moving up a book band.
Jack, Zahi and Ben in Wales -For completing the maths challenge
Ben and Emily in Wales -For fabulous maths homework

Lunch time Awards

Well done to Vanessa, Junior and Jannat in Germany, Ella and Michael in Egypt, Jessica and Cattleya in Australia, Moises and Sky in Australia, Faaiz and Lexi in N.Ireland , Tommy R in Egypt, Riley and Daniel O in Australia, Carter and Sadie in St Lucia, Rehan and Felicity in Scotland, Chloe, Arthur and Victoria in New Zealand and Francesca and Levi in Jamaica who have been recognised for their fantastic behaviour at lunch time. They have shown good manners and been good friends to their peers-Well done!

Certificate of Presentation

Well done to Sophie in Kenya, Amiee in Australia, Daniel G in Madagascar, Elise in Egypt and Shomari in Wales who have presented their work beautifully; They have shown pride in their work and taken care with their handwriting and number formation.

Star Writers

These children have used a range of powerful vocabulary and techniques to become a Star Writer; Honey in Barbados, Charlotte F in St Lucia,Tilly in Jamaica, Louise in New Zealand, Lola Si in Australia, Max in Palau, Kajus in Madagascar, Chase in Egypt, Frankie in Kenya, Dominik in N. Ireland, Ava in Wales, Aaliyah in Scotland, Harrison in Germany, Marley in Greece, Jacob in Italy, Alynniea in U.S.A, Carrie in Canada, Isabelle in Mexico, Sophie C in Chile, Sydney in Brazil and Harvey in Argentina.
Look out for examples of their work on the blog!

Learning Power Awards

These are the awards we present to the pupils when they have demonstrated one of our four learning skills: Resilience, reciprocity, reflectiveness & resourcefulness.

Joe in Wales receives a certificate for reciprocity and Macie in N.Ireland for reflectiveness. Well done to Aron in Kenya, Ruby in Mexico, Rosie in Egypt and Hannah in Canada who receive certificates for resilience and Daniel W and Tommy in Australia and Jessica in Mexico who have shown they can be very resourceful in school.

Reading Awards

The following pupil have read 10 books and receive a bookmark for their efforts, Jacob in Barbados, Francesca in Jamaica, Deimantas and Nathanuel in Kenya, David in Palau, Lola St, Elena and Alfie in Australia, Sadie and Charlotte F in St Lucia, Neve in New Zealand and Thereisa in Egypt

Kristupas in Germany, Luka in Australia, Jack in St Lucia, Oghomwen in New Zealand, Daisy in Egypt, Olivia-Rose in Madagascar have achieved bronze reading awards for reading 25 books.

Kellis in Italy receives her Silver Certificate for reading 50 books-Well done.

Siddi in Palau has read 75 books and he gets a book of his choice for his fantastic effort.

Free Readers-Zehra in Germany, Ashley in Argentina and Anmona, Chloe in Italy have completed the School reading scheme and can now select their own books to read.

Tracker Awards

Congratulations to the latest pupils who have achieved their Bronze awards: Sarah and Billy in Madagascar and Kira and Justice in Greece.

Silver Tracker certificates are awarded to Lennon and Jasmika in Scotland, Liam in Argentina, Mia in N.Ireland Alex in Kenya, Charlize in Mexico and Kajus in Madagascar.Well done to them!

Mahir in Egypt, Riley in Italy receives a Gold Tracker certificate in recognition of the fantastic effort he has made in learning.

A massive well done to Maisie in Argentina who receives a Platinum certificate.

Well Done Yvie!

A massive congratulations to Yvie in Italy class for all her dancing awards. She came first in Annie, Hairspray and One Moment in Time and she came second in Trolls. Well Done Yvie!

"My favourite dance was One Moment in Time because we had to do lifts." Stated Yvie.

Y3 Spellings

Literacy & Language spellings this week are:

Blue words: Focus of the week – Words ending in ’-ture'.
Orange words: Year ¾ National curriculum word list.
Green words: Vocabulary of the Week – Literacy & Language.
Gold word: Challenge word!

We encourage you to practice your spellings by putting these words into sentences on the back of your spelling sheet. Merits will be awarded for extra effort!
The test for these spellings will be on Friday 6th December. 
(Please note that children in Read, Write, Inc groups will have different spellings & could be tested on different days).

Learning Challenge Awards

Sadie and Ryan in St Lucia have been working hard at home and extending their knowledge through their learning challenge work.

Weekly Newsletter - 30th November 2018

Dear Parents,
A massive well done to Mrs Kumszczynska, Mr Gowers and the school choir for their wonderful singing at the Hilldene Christmas lights event last night. I know those present were really impressed with the quality of singing and despite the technical hitch, when the accompanying music stopped, they carried on. Occasions such as this make me very proud to be the headteacher of Mead School.

Mr Stanbridge and Mr Robinson accompanied pupils to two sporting events this week. Our Indoor athletic team finished fourth out of 34 schools -a fantastic achievement! Our Basketball team came against some tough opposition from other schools in our cluster but came away with a fantastic trophy as they were overall winners-Very well done to everyone involved.

We are looking forward to welcoming parents/carers next week for our farm ‘Open Afternoons’ when you’ll get a chance to meet Bobby the pony, Paige, Bertie and Blue the goats, along with our chickens, ducks, rabbits and guinea pigs. We are having a dress up ‘Animal Day’on Friday 7th December when we would like pupils to come to school dressed as their favourite animals and bring a small donation which we will put towards the running costs of the farm.

Diary Dates
Monday 3rd December-Last week of swimming this term. Some of our child will be competing in the para bowling competition with Mrs Jolly. During this afternoon some of our year 4 pupils will be joining pupils from Broadford and Brookside for the 4th Mary Poppins History Session at Draper’s Brookside. Between 13:30 and 14:30 Parents of Reception and year 1 pupils are invited to the Mead Farm Open Afternoon.

Tuesday 4th December-Germany class will be visiting MOD Pizza in Romford. Between 10:45 and 11:15 and 14;30 and 15:00 Nursery parents are invited to visit the Mead Farm. The West Ham Health Programme sessions for year 4 pupils will continue this afternoon

Wednesday 5th December- Argentina class are visiting the Royal Courts of Justice in London today. This afternoon sees the last of our Forest Schools sessions for this term. Year 2 parents are invited in to visit the Mead Farm between 13:30 and 14:30, while year 4 parents are invited into school between 14:00 and 15:00 for their showcase.

Thursday 6th December- Chile and Brazil classes are visiting the Royal Courts of Justice in London. Year 5 Parents and carers are invited into school for their showcase between 14:15 and 15;00.

Friday 7th December-Animal Dress Up Day. Reception parents/carers are invited into school for their stay and play session today. Parents/Carers of our year 3 and 4 pupils are invited into school to visit our wonderful farm between 13:30 and 14:30. The last Habit after school club is this evening -but they’ll be back in the spring term.

Key Dates for the Autumn Term 2018
Your children will be bringing letters home next week so you can reserve places for the Christmas concerts. We have to limit the number of places to 2 per family due to Health and Safety regulations-Please complete the forms indicating which concert you wish to attend and return to school a.s.a.p. Thank you.

As you will see I have added a couple of additional events for the end of term:

Christmas Dinner Day in school is Tuesday 18th December

Parents/Carers are invited to join us at 14:30 on the last day of school for Carols in the playground

Monday 10th December -           KS1 Nativity@ 14:00

Tuesday 11th December -           KS1 Nativity@ 9:30
                                                    YR 3/4 Carol concert @14:00

Wednesday 12th December -      YR 3/4 Carol concert@ 9:30
                                                    Reception Xmas concert @ 14:15

Thursday 13th December -         Reception Xmas concert @ 9:15
                                                    YR 5/6 Carol Concert @14:00

Friday 14th December -             CHRISTMAS JUMPER DAY
                                                   YR 5/6 Carol Concert @9:30
                                                   Nursery Nativity @ 10:30 & 14:00

Tuesday 18th December -          Christmas Dinner Day
                                                   Carol service@ St Paul’s 18:00-19:00

Wednesday 19th December -     Last day of the Autumn Term.
                                                   Carols in the playground 14:30-15:00

Tuesday 8th January -               Pupils return to school after the Xmas break

Havering Catering Services
Week beginning Monday 3rd December is week 3 on the Havering catering services menu. All meals are served with unlimited salad and vegetables and cost £2.20. Meals are free to our KS1/EYFS pupils.

Please be reminded to top up your child’s catering account as we cannot provide dinners for pupils whose accounts exceed a debt of £10.

Attendance Update
Well done to Canada class who had the highest attendance in Y5&6 at 97.3% . Germany had the highest attendance in LKS2 and overall at 98% and Palau had the highest attendance in KS1 at 97.1%. Well done to them! The overall attendance was disappointing at 94.8% which is still well below our target of 98%

Have a good weekend

Mrs L.Smith

Year Six

A big thank you to the parents and carers who attended the showcase!

We had fantastic feedback - especially after the flash mob!

The children were extremely pleased to be able to demonstrate what they have been learning about in the Autumn term.

' I made sure that anyone who came in tried our senses science experiment- we loved it and so did they, especially after we added the blindfold.' Jamell

Look out for the next showcase in the spring term!

Basketball Team

Mead basketball champions!

On Thursday 29th November our children entered a basketball competition in the Harold Hill Cluster at Drapers Academy. Overall the children played four games in the tournament, winning three, drawing one, resulting in Mead bringing home the trophy.

Indoor Athletics Team

Mead Indoor Athletics Team

On Wednesday 28th November 18 children represented Mead in an indoor athletics competition against 34 other schools across Havering. The children competed very well and were awarded a certificate for determination. They finished a respectable 4th place.

Thursday, 29 November 2018


Number Ninjas Club has got off to a great start this term.  This week the more able mathematicians got their brains warmed up by playing a number bonds game on the interactive whiteboard. All of the children attempted to improve on their personal best score.  They then played darts, which enabled them to add multiples of ten together.  Some of the children even used the column method, which they have recently learned in class, to work out their totals.

"I like it when I win the games" commented Yanis.
"I love it when the teachers join in too" added Dami.

Abie Longstaff visited Mead!

Last week Abie Longstaff visited Mead Primary School. 

Some lucky pupils got to meet her for a Q&A session during their lunch break. Jolin said “I was so excited she is one of my favourite authors, I can’t believe she visited our school.” 

Abie ran an interactive workshop for year 3 and year 4 pupils in the afternoon. After explaining to pupils where she got her ideas from she allowed pupils to explore her treasure chest of props which help her whilst writing her stories. 

“I loved seeing all of the cool things she uses to help her write her stories,” Alexa said.

Pupils then got to plan a story together inspired by Abie Longstaff’s new Trap Door Mysteries. LKS2 worked together effectively to decide where the door was, how it opens, what's behind it and who wants to find it.

Year 6 Spelling List

Year 6 Spelling List - Autumn 2 - Week 6

Here are this weeks spellings...

The new spelling list is given to children each Friday. The children are asked to practise their spellings at home for 15 minutes each day. They can practise by putting the words into sentences this will help them to understand how to use each word in the correct contexts. We then encourage the children to use these words within their independent writing activities throughout the week. 

Please remind children that their red spelling book should be returned to school each Friday so we can give the children their spellings for the following week.

Children will be tested on these spellings the following Friday

Northern Ireland Star Writer

This weeks star writer in Northern Ireland is Ivan, who wrote super subheadings for his information text he used descriptive devices such as alliteration to make them hook the reader.

Forest School

This week the children started with a blindfold trail where they worked in pairs to guide each other along the rope through the woods.
They took time to give careful instructions to their friends. They then all got busy in the mud kitchen, the hammock, playing in the den, practising fire lighting, drawing with chalk and charcoal and tracking animals. We found squirrel and badger tracks! 

 We closed our session with a time of forest bathing where the children reflected on their favourite part of our sessions so far. 
These included;
“Doing the blindfold trail,” Aaliyah.
“Building a shelter,” Bailey.

Y3 Showcase: Thankyou!

Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to our Year 3 showcase yesterday. It was fantastic to have such a great turnout and the children thoroughly enjoyed sharing their learning with you all.
We look forward to the next one in the Spring Term.

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Reception Request

Image result for how do you celebrate?

 Reception parents/carers,

Next week, we will begin our teaching around the story of the Nativity. To support children’s meaningful discussion around the story, please could you send in any photos of your children celebrating a birthday or any other special event by Monday.

Many thanks,

The Reception team​

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Christmas Dinner

Christmas Dinner Day is Tuesday 18th December. Please see the menu below for details


Year Six Request!

Can you help us?

In the coming weeks Year 6 children will be creating lanterns in their art lessons.

Please may we request any clean glass jars (e.g. jam jars, pasta sauce jars) for the children to decorate as their lanterns.

Yours sincerely,

Year 6 Teachers

Year Six Trip Reminder

Reminder: YR 6

The trips to the Royal Courts of Justice are on the following dates:

Wednesday 5th December – Argentina

Thursday 6th December - Brazil and Chile

Children will still need to be in school by 8.30am for registration, as we will be departing at 8.50am sharp, and returning back to school for collection at normal time.

The cost of this trip is £8:50 and is payable by sQuid. Please bring back the consent forms by 2nd December.

Yours sincerely,

Year 6 Team

Year 5 spellings- Autumn 2, week 5

Dear year 5 parents and children,

Please find below this week's spellings.

The spellings below will be tested on Friday 30th November 2018. This week the spellings focus on jumping orange words- which are words the children will be expected to know by the end of year 6.

Please ensure that your child practices their spellings for 15 minutes each evening, to help with their progression in the spelling test.

Children should also be encouraged to put the words into sentence, to help with their understanding of the word - merits will be awarded if children put the words into sentences.

Many thanks from the year 5 team.

Monday, 26 November 2018

Year 2 Star Writers

This week the children have done some writing based on a picture that they were given in their 'Fun Writing' books.
Congratulations to this week's winners. 
Vansh in Madagascar, Nicole in Egypt and Adam in Kenya.

Y3 Showcase TOMORROW

Related image

Please be reminded that it is the Year 3 showcase tomorrow afternoon. We can't wait to share and celebrate what the children have been learning this term with you. Please feel free to get involved and join in with the activities that will be out on show.

Doors open in the office at 2.00pm and will close at 2.50pm.
You can take your child home with you after you have finished looking round the showcase but please let your child's class teacher know. Children in other classes will be need to be collected at the normal home time from the playground.

We look forward to seeing you all there! :)

Year 3 Team

Friend Club

Three days a week some children from KS2 have been attending Friend Club. The club is designed for anyone who wants to make a new friend, and provides activities, games and projects for the children and their new buddy to bond over!

To attend, children need to book their spot with their class teacher, and choose one new person to attend the club with (old friends can also attend, so long as they bring along someone new)!

So far, dance-offs, plasticine modelling and coding have begun lots of new conversation. Last session saw a record breaking 24 children (who now have 24 new friends!).

'I've made lots of new friends that I didn't know before and I love playing musical statues!' said Kezrae.

Friend Club is open on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in Wales.

Sunday, 25 November 2018

Italy Class Star Writer

This week's start writer in Italy Class is Kellis. She produced a fantastic piece of free writing about Armistice Day. Well done Kellis!

Christmas on the farm OPEN AFTERNOONS

Invite your parents to visit the farm and 
introduce them to the animals 
(Please note: children will not be able to leave early)

Monday 3rd December 1.45 - 2.45pm for Reception and Year 1

Tuesday 4th December 10.45-11.15am or 2.30-3.00pm for Nursery

Wednesday 5th December 1.45-2.45pm for Year 2

Friday 7th December 2-3pm for Years 3 & 4

Wednesday 12th December 2-3pm for Years 5 & 6

Refreshments available
Fresh eggs
Goat feed
Reindeer food
Fantastic Raffle

All donations will support the funding of our wonderful farm